My day starts at midnight since I work from midnight to 8am.
drive home 20 min
feed chickens
cook and breakfast for my sister and neice
help bathe and dress baby
sleep at 10am
wake up at 5pm
check chickens
gather eggs
clean coop
let chickens out to forage
cut and split wood with hubby
cook dinner at 8:30pm
eat with family
do dishes and straighten house
lie down for a bit with hubby
get ready for work at 11pm and drive to work.
drive home 20 min
feed chickens
cook and breakfast for my sister and neice
help bathe and dress baby
sleep at 10am
wake up at 5pm
check chickens
gather eggs
clean coop
let chickens out to forage
cut and split wood with hubby
cook dinner at 8:30pm
eat with family
do dishes and straighten house
lie down for a bit with hubby
get ready for work at 11pm and drive to work.