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  1. Mickey328

    Funny canning story to share

    That's wonderful! Too bad parents don't take that kind of time with their kids...we'd likely see fewer of the emotional issues with the poor things. Kudos to you!
  2. Mickey328

    Overgrown Basil...

    The more you prune, the bushier it'll get. Nip stems off just above a leave node, and it'll send out two new shoots from them. A hard prune will likely do it good. You can dehydrate the clippings. You can also rotate the pot as it sits in front of the'll grow toward the light...
  3. Mickey328

    KitchenAid Mixers comments

    May I just add that there are two different kinds...the "pro" and pro, I guess, LOL. We have the "regular" mixer, where the bowl fits into the base. By releasing the top part with the beater attached, the bowl can be removed from it.
  4. Mickey328

    KitchenAid Mixers comments

    You can find the stand mixer for about $200 and it hasn't changed much in quite a while. I paid that for mine a good 10 years ago. I LOVE it! They're heavy and solid machines; real work horses. I have the juicer and the slicer and the grinder attachments. Since we got a separate juicing...
  5. Mickey328

    What did you do to save $ today?

    LOL, I stayed home and off the online shopping sites! Oh, I take it back...had to see the doc and got a flu shot...but I consider that an investment. :)
  6. Mickey328

    Kitchenaid mixer blades.. which one is better.?

    Thanks, Emerald! I wondered what the difference was between the two. I've always just kneaded by hand, but decided it might be easier and faster if I could let my noodle dough go in the mixer while I was rolling and cutting the first batch.
  7. Mickey328

    Kitchenaid mixer blades.. which one is better.?

    I just have the plain beater blade that came with it, and the whip. Think I've only used the whip twice. My next investment is gonna be a dough hook. But then I use the attachments more than the mixer any least during canning season.
  8. Mickey328

    Clay Soil--how do I improve it for gardening?

    Another vote for compost. Also, if the idea isn't offensive, you can jump start it by adding peat moss. That'll help break up the clay and add plenty of organic matter if you don't have lots of compost on hand immediately.
  9. Mickey328


    Nope, sure didn't. I cooked the burger but all the other meat went in raw. I figured that since it was going to be in a pressure cooker for over an hour at about 14 lbs, that would cook it fine...and it did! I didn't de-bone the chicken because I was in a bit of a hurry, but in future I will...
  10. Mickey328

    got a bunch of seeds for to store...

    I put mine in a ziploc and store them in the fridge. They seem to keep very well that way and I get a good, high percentage of sprouts.
  11. Mickey328

    freezing whey and yogurt

    I'm not sure, but I suspect freezing would kill the culture. I make my own yogurt and since it keeps so long, I just keep using the same strain. I started out with a small carton of live culture I bought. I just use a tablespoon in a quart of milk. When that jar is getting near the end, I...
  12. Mickey328

    Feeding Chickens just People food...Can it be done??

    Lily, have you tried posting on your local Craig's List or Freecycle asking local home brewers for their grains? We have a neighbor just down the street who gives us theirs. With just 6 chickens, it's way too much to use before it molds, so we dry it for them, and they get a little a few times...
  13. Mickey328

    What would you do?

    I'd be ticked as heck too! The "pickers" were neighbors...not the owners of the property? As Deb and FEM said, I'd take enough time to sort of cool off and then just have a talk with them. I'd assume they weren't actually out to do anything wrong and work from there...check their reaction; it...
  14. Mickey328

    what to do with a ton of apples

    I have a juicer now, but years ago, I didn't. I just quarter the apples, add a little water and lemon juice and cook till they're pretty much just mush. I then strained the liquid out and added water, sugar, lemon taste and canned that. It worked quite well and DS and I drank lots...
  15. Mickey328

    what to do with a ton of apples

    Apple sauce, apple butter, apple pie mix, apple juice...mmmm. That's what I did with mine this year. I made 3 different flavored apple butters. Everything turned out really well. How about a few baked apples? I think you'd need to freeze them but those'd be good.
  16. Mickey328


    I canned meat for the first time this year. For the chicken, I just skinned it and cut it into pieces. I had limited time, so I left the bones in. Next time, I'll remove them just to make more room in the jars, though.
  17. Mickey328

    Feeding Chickens just People food...Can it be done??

    I sure would. Rice expands as it absorbs water and I'd rather it go in fully expanded, LOL. We make sure feed is available to them at all times, but we've cut down on their consumption by giving them other stuff too. I particularly like to make sure they get lots of protein and greens. I...
  18. Mickey328


    Finished up the last of the potatoes this morning...16 pints. Am I ever glad those are done!
  19. Mickey328


    Ain't that the truth?? I've been known to prep the fruit and can it during the heat of late summer, especially when there's just so much that has to be tended to before it goes bad. Then I have the juice or pulp ready to go in pre-measured amounts. The prep seems to be the most tedious part...
  20. Mickey328


    Well, the crabapples we got were awful! Not sour but bitter...yuck! Did score more free Macs though and got another 8 pints of sauce, a dozen half pints of scrumptious butter, 8 quarts of apple pie filling and 8 quarts of juice. Been working on meat the last week or lots of browned...