I agree that the least problematic way is to do it the way Ann suggests and my number of post counts.
No one is going to feel they have been labeled unfairly, its all the same. If Ann wanted people to pick their own titles then I wouldn't have a problem with that either,its just alot of work...
That is pretty much what I was trying to but couldn't really get my thoughts together. I think this is a very valid point here and really does need to be addressed.
I just did a quick look at the list of open threads.
There are 30
8 of them are people's journals
8 of them have something to do with SS or are recipes
14 of them are personal threads or musings.
I feel like the member titles that people are tossing around need to be well thought out.
I think...
I think part of the problem here is that there is very little self sufficiency posting going on.
There are alot of personal posts being made that have nothing at all to do with being self sufficient.
It has turned into more of a friendship, coffee talk type of forum, or a place for someone to...
Ann, of course we understand. How could you not feel the way that you do.
I am sure everyone is glad that you are sharing your concerns with us, thats what friends are for and hopefully we can all get you through all this worry.
Greg and you have alot of people praying on your behalf.
I know its...
Our local drugstore use to sell Crack Cream. That was the name of it and it worked great on cracked finger tips. Ya know how those take forever to heal.
I had the same problem, because I too live in flipflops.
I used a pumice stone and one of the metal things they sell that looks kind of like a grater and put lotion on my feet every morning and every night.
It only took a week or so to get better.
Good luck.
I think its important to reinvent yourself every once in a while.
Change is important and change can either just happen to you or you can make the right changes that are right for you and make it into something positive.
It sounds kind of like he is jealous that you would have the guts to make...
Oh those darn hawks! I am so sick of them.
I have had at least on here everyday this past week.
I had one that kept dive bombing in the yard right over my head, not the least bit afraid.
A hawk did get one of mine and we were out there the whole day.
Those sharpshinned are smaller but I would...
Hi Ticks,
So cool to have you back on here and getting involved.
Oh my gosh, the Patriot!! How could you not?
Now its even worse to watch since Heath Ledger died.
So keep us filled in on your life. I haven't even had a chance to answer that huge list of questions.
I woke up this morning and thought today was Monday.
I thought we all overslept and started running through the house waking everyone up.
I got my Caleb up and gave him his clothes to get dressed and called my husband's cell phone to see if he was on his way home from work yet so he could help...
I keep those in my car too. I think they are great.
I just bought a really nice one (and I normally do not care what they look like) at Wholefoods market because it would feed 100 kids a meal or 100 kids for a day.
Whole foods does that with different stuff, now the donation was $29.99 and then...
Well you did try and there isn't much else you can do unless you want to make yourself her doormat.
Your husband was able to see how much you put yourself out so I am sure he appreciates your efforts.
This woman just sounds like she has problems, don't let her make you feel bad about yourself...
Ugh, well you know how I feel about you and Greg and remember to take us up on our offers to help out around your place. Let us take even the small burdens off your hands, besides it might be good for the guys to work together doing guy stuff.
Warm thoughts and Prayers your...
Thats a great idea, using the template of questions in your own section. That way it is strictly about that person and not open to someone else's comments or interpertation.
Just be careful of some of these questions, someone just did a similar one on BYC and it caused quite the uproar over the religion question.
In the spirit of keeping the peace I would not ask about religion or politics.(not that you asked about politics)
If its suppose to be fun I would not get...
Nothing stops the people around here from driving in so much snow you would not believe it. Just doesn't faze anyone. Its a good thing too because we get ALOT of it.I am already thinking about how much shoveling we will have to do to get to the chicken coops this winter.