last year I grew them up in boxes I built from cedar fence boards, and used some mulch I had from the chickens
it worked good, but I think I crowded them a bit, and started late, got some nice potatos but they were really on the small side, baseball was the biggest one
now I am going to start...
the temps were around 30 degrees and night, maybe lower, not a hard freeze, but for sure a freeze occurred
don't really know if the inside of the car stayed slightly warmer?
any how..
best guess
will these grow?
or do I need to run out get more sets before they all gone?
(I thought I...
I am new to grinding flour from grain...
I was reading up on several things and it sounds like at some point in history rye went out of vogue for making into flour because some black mildew or something like that spread all over europe, and well, people (and animals ) who ate it
died:( :/...
there is a part of me that would really like to do this
as I type I am reminded that my big family wouldn't even fit in there...I guess one kid could sleep standing up in the shower,lol
great thanks
I just opened my bag of corn expecting to see huge kernals of corn like the field corn I had seen where I grew up, but these looked more the size of really large sweet corn kernals (much smaller than my grandpas field corn)
not what I was expecting to see, but cool
I need to find...
I was wondering if because of all the gmo in general if popcorn is become more trendy to grind than field corn...for the reason that it may may may not be as modified as other commonly and readily available corns on the market
anyone know?
on line it said at the retailers site that it can grind corn, (I took that to mean regular corn that you make corn meal out of...field corn I think?)
well in their little brochure they only mention how popcorn makes better meal...
does that mean it can' t grind regular corn?
it doesn't list...
I was anti nuke too..but of course I was just young and dumb and was anti anything I was told to be by the culture, lol
actually you aren't the first person who I have "met" who was anti nuke, and eventually realized it's value...that very same story I heard a few years ago,and it really got me...
welcome, so much good advice already,
just chiming in to say stick with the's a skill,
but mostly I want to say ...believe what you want in your heart, but you might gain more interest from your wife it you soften the message
what I mean is just ease off on teotwawki...(to her...
thanks for sharing this I have heard it before, but nice to be reminded,
wifezilla, wondering if since you have experience with solar if you have any wisdom to share on endergy in general, I have heard from insider types of the industry that clean coal is good, and that nuclear is actually...
in the refrigerator?:/
wasn't fermenting "invented" before the refrigerator?:D
are you guys just using that as a modern sort of precaution? couldn't one ferment pickles and such and leave them out? at room temp?( I mean I remember seeing eggs at the deli just sitting in some sort of pickle...
want to love it, but I keep hearing stories like this,
I am sharing this article just in case it is true...
if it is, then someday we may need to regulate just where the windmills go,
perhaps they need to be many miles from where people live?
just a question;)
here is the article for those...
does anyone know how to make these,
I heard of them once,
assuming there is a more natural method, that doesn't need to be canned
perhaps relies on natural fermenting similar to sourkraut?
I noticed nourishing traditions has lacto fermented pickles,
I am looking hoping that there is a...
didnt' know if I should post this here or in emergency preparedness
anyhow due to the quantity of cooking I am doing and not wanting to go to the store ever again if I can help it, lol
I realize that I must use 25 and 50 lb bags of certain ingredients, (cheaper tooo)
well, I think I am going...
I don't know I hope it goes better for you than I gal I know, about 20 miles away from here
they were excited to, however, there is a constant noise that drones on and on,
they get flicker with is the shadow of the mill cast over their house,
because it is a new industry, in stead of being put...
any one know?
they do have them at Lehmans,
I am just hoping to find them a little cheaper...saw them once at an auction...(should of bought em) don't have to be new, just useable