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  1. Hattie the Hen

    Jason closes his journal... Thanks!! I love you!!

    modern_pioneer said "I have mentioned about my work, like a writers block, it hasn't flowed from my mind through my hands like it is right now in years. So with my drawing book at my side all day, I am adding details and new designs like some one is pushing it out of me. I am very happy to be...
  2. Hattie the Hen

    Optimizing a SLOOOOOOW computer

    :frow :frow I just asked my friend Google a question............!! Easy-peasy.....!! Glad you are happy;hope it works! :lol: :) Hattie :)
  3. Hattie the Hen

    Optimizing a SLOOOOOOW computer

    :frow :frow Hi bbh ! Is this the lost article........?????? :idunno Hattie :idunno
  4. Hattie the Hen

    Lupin Farm ~ Updated photos of the goat pen in progress

    :frow :frow Lots of LUCK lupin........!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! :fl :fl :fl :fl Get a good nights sleep! :old :D :fl Hattie :fl
  5. Hattie the Hen

    SS Garden thread 2010, post your pics here!!

    :frow Ldychef :frow You are doing brilliantly -- I have been following your progress since you first started on your back-yard plans! I know the feeling! I have problems with my sense of balance along with bad eyesight so bending is a problem for me too. I have a portable kneeler which...
  6. Hattie the Hen


    :frow :frow :thumbsup Good Luck in your new home Abifai Mind your back carrying all those boxes of books! Hattie
  7. Hattie the Hen

    Guess what DrakeMaiden?? She's in business!! Ah Ducks...

    :frow :frow My Dorking roos are very polite to me & fly up to sit on my shoulder. But I have too many of them so most of them are going to become dinner. They make great eaters -- I just have to do the dead but I am determined.... :rolleyes: Hattie
  8. Hattie the Hen

    Savingdogs-Saving the chickens

    :frow Hi there savingdogs! :frow I'm reading your blog from way over the water in the UK. I feel so lucky to be able to read about everyone's lives, hopes & disappointments. I look forward to yours; it has started really well. Good luck with it...!! :D Hattie
  9. Hattie the Hen

    Pasty Pie

    :frow Hi kcs, Still aching but at least my appetite is back: the cyber-hug is very welcome. I hope you will soon be on the mend soon -- Big :hugs Hattie
  10. Hattie the Hen

    Information on what is in our food ~ This seems to be a great idea!? ~

    :frow Wifezilla...!! I knew you would say THAT.........:gig Thanks for the added info. :frow Hattie
  11. Hattie the Hen

    Information on what is in our food ~ This seems to be a great idea!? ~

    :frow I was impressed by this idea: Does anyone on here use it? Hattie
  12. Hattie the Hen

    Anyone have a good recipe for dal?

    :frow :frow I wish we lived in the same country because I could have sent you a "care parcel" filled with samples of each spice etc. to get you started. ****("care parcels" were sent from the US to us Brits during WWII because we were so short of rations & little luxuries like comic books &...
  13. Hattie the Hen

    oh, the horror! ;)

    :frow :frow Hi bbh & bib. birds ! Have you tried Dorkings! Three years ago I bought in some eggs to put under my broody white Plymouth hen because even over here they are expensive. I now am breeding my own. They are great producers of eggs (6 per week), they start producing young. They make...
  14. Hattie the Hen

    Anyone have a good recipe for dal?

    :frow :frow Now as for Indian food, dal can be very diverse according to your families traditions and what area you come from. So have a look at some of the ones on this site, there are so many here:
  15. Hattie the Hen

    Anyone have a good recipe for dal?

    :frow :frow Try these Thai Spicy Rice Balls; they are delicious, cheap & very filling. I love them: This site is good if you have easy access to the right ingredients (as you do). A little fish or meat goes a long way. Poke around in the links &...
  16. Hattie the Hen

    Pasty Pie

    :frow :frow These Russian 'piroshki' look like pasties to me........!! :D from Hattie (who has flu.......!!! :hit )
  17. Hattie the Hen

    SS Garden thread 2010, post your pics here!!

    :frow :frow Last year on TEG we had a thread on rhubarb recipes, here is the link: Hope you enjoy them. :D Hattie
  18. Hattie the Hen

    SS Garden thread 2010, post your pics here!!

    :frow :frow :frow :frow :frow :frow :frow :frow :frow :frow :frow :frow :frow :frow :frow :frow :welcome ecopepper...
  19. Hattie the Hen

    Rag rugs!

    :frow :frow I did upholstery & we used a finely twisted linen thread which we waxed with beeswax just before stitching. I think this would be perfect for stitching the rugs as the wax will enable it to go through the many layers with ease & it will also help strengthen the thread & protect...
  20. Hattie the Hen

    Rag rugs!

    :frow :frow I suddenly remembered seeing a lot of rag rugs when working in Norway & Sweden so I had a poke around on my laptop & came up with this link Then I looked around for links that showed various different techniques for turning fabrics...