What the bugs didn't eat of my pea plants, they were surprisingly productive despite the heat. Of My bush beans that germinated from 2 year old seed, they are pretty productive. My pumpkins are growing well, and I have a few baby watermelons. I have a 300 gallon rain tank hooked up to the...
I like seeing everyone's chick photos. :) of the 6 chicks (mixed bag of mutts with a GLW sire) that hatched June 4th, we originally thought we had 4 pullets and 2 Roos. DH swears the other brown leghorn cross is a girl, but I'm pretty sure that comb and face shouldn't be red yet. :P.
I have some time constraints because of my work schedule. For me, I try to make really simple meals from scratch. Cooking time takes about 20-30 minutes. I mix carrots and rice in the same pot. Sometimes i throw the chicken in too. It's only as hard as you make it.
Making pot pies...
This is what I'm trying to do with my stuff. I make big batches of food, but simply don't have the freezer space to freeze it. I mentioned the convenience. It was only because I hadn't really thought it out and done the research.
I think my situation is like yours, only back in time before...
It's been so dry here. I was down to 45 gallons in the rain tank for the garden, and I was starting to panick that the thunderstorms would pass south or north of us. Well, we got two storms. The first one was like a light switch. It was Nearly still and muggy, then BANG! Limbs blowing off...
I know what you mean, ~gd. Once I read that milk and their products separate, the proverbial lightbulb lit up in my brain and I realized just how processed canned stuff is. Anything to do with "cream of" or with "cheese" in it, must be a chemical mess. I already knew that the stuff wasn't...
Thanks for the birthday wishes. :). It's nice to have people here who feel the same way I do, like I would rather have a pantry (or a new DeWalt light cordless drill) than jewelry or a spa gift certificate or something. Although, now that I think of it, I could go for a massage...
Freeing up...
Thanks, moolie. How much room do you usually leave between the solids and the top of the liquids (below the head space) when canning beans and chili with beans? Does it depend on the ratio of beans to meat?
I will try to find the non-quick barley. I will try the corn chowder. I also have a...
Great tips so far. :)
I don't know what kind of light bulbs you're using, but incandescents will use a lot, so will halogen.
Plug in the tv and DVD player/whatever else you have for entertainment into a power strip with a switch, it makes it easier to shut everything off. Any appliances that...
That's what I figure, FJ, I always heat it on the stove, so I can just toss orzo or alphabet or other quick-cooking pasta in there. After a little more research, the beans aren't as big a deal as I first thought. I will get the dried variety and try it.
The recipe I have calls for cans of...
I haven't bought the pressure canner yet, but I'm looking at ordering one.
It isn't recommended to can soups with milk or butter. Something about the fat making it easy for botulism to hide. It makes only a little sense to me. The other thing is thickeners, like thickening a cream soup with...
So my favorite thing to do is make soup and fresh bread. I make all different kinds of soups and stews just like many of you here. Living off the grid, I don't have tons of freezer space. To preserve food, I have canned a few things. I freeze a few quarts of veggies here and there, but I...
Today I turned 40. Happy birthday to me! I got just what I wanted-my husband FINALLY installed the shelving in the area that's supposed to be a pantry. I have shelves on three walls, floor to ceiling in a 5x8 room. I am finally going to get that pressure canner I've been dying to get, so I...
We have lots of herons and eagles in this area too, and I absolutely love them. It's always a thrill to see one, it never gets old. I have seen bald eagles in the yard, but have not lost a chicken to one. Great horned owls and red tailed hawks on the other hand... Are a little less skittish...
When I called yesterday about it, the line was busy until they were closed (DOH) and today is Saturday. I even tried to call a friend of the family who used to work for DEC, but they are camping somewhere in the mountains and don't have cell service. :/
You know, that chicken with enchilada sauce sounds really good. I think I'll try it tomorrow. Can you tell me more about it? Pretty please with maple syrup on top? :)
Yeah. While I didn't find it a pleasant experience, and didn't enjoy killing the coon, I don't feel the least bit guilty for following through with what I feel was my responsibility.
Btw pink fox- was it you who recommended the nu-stock for chickens? I got some (MAN does that stuff stink!)...