Power Conserver
Hi guys,
Wow, feels like a while since I've been on here! Oh dear me...
This country mouse has to move to the city in just a few months time! I've only ever rented, never owned my own home, and whenever I've rented, I've always snatched up the deals where everything is included in the rent so I don't have to stress about too many bills; it's only ever been paying for internet/phone! Lucky duck. But this time, I found a place that's cheap in the rent but I pay everything, including electric. I have never done this so I'm pretty scared of being overwhelmed suddenly!
Here's the deal: it's a two level, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, and several common spaces. There's a deck and backyard, and a deep freeze (which, being an avid food freezer, I'm really excited about). I'm worried about a few things: the deep freeze, the fridge, and some other appliances like my crock pot and dehydrator. We are on oil heat, not electric.
I'm already pretty good about turning off excess lights, and all four of us living together are quite content to wear a sweater inside in the wintertime, too (I'm on wood stove heat here anyway, which can occasionally get inconsistent, so I'm used to it!). But any tips anyone has, I'd be so grateful! For example, is it true that simply unplugging appliances when not in use (like the toaster or microwave, for example) will save on electricity? Do table lamps use less energy than overheads? Anything you guys know--and I know you know a lot!--will be helpful.
Wow, feels like a while since I've been on here! Oh dear me...
This country mouse has to move to the city in just a few months time! I've only ever rented, never owned my own home, and whenever I've rented, I've always snatched up the deals where everything is included in the rent so I don't have to stress about too many bills; it's only ever been paying for internet/phone! Lucky duck. But this time, I found a place that's cheap in the rent but I pay everything, including electric. I have never done this so I'm pretty scared of being overwhelmed suddenly!
Here's the deal: it's a two level, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, and several common spaces. There's a deck and backyard, and a deep freeze (which, being an avid food freezer, I'm really excited about). I'm worried about a few things: the deep freeze, the fridge, and some other appliances like my crock pot and dehydrator. We are on oil heat, not electric.
I'm already pretty good about turning off excess lights, and all four of us living together are quite content to wear a sweater inside in the wintertime, too (I'm on wood stove heat here anyway, which can occasionally get inconsistent, so I'm used to it!). But any tips anyone has, I'd be so grateful! For example, is it true that simply unplugging appliances when not in use (like the toaster or microwave, for example) will save on electricity? Do table lamps use less energy than overheads? Anything you guys know--and I know you know a lot!--will be helpful.