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  1. Buster

    My ticket to Polyface

    You are most welcome.
  2. Buster

    My ticket to Polyface

    Well, Bee, I'm not sure I would compare a tour of Polyface with life saving medical procedures, but then I've never taken the tour. You are one up on me in that area, so what do I know? :D Seriously, though, I'm sure part of it has to do with how busy he is, and how valuable the fleeced I mean...
  3. Buster

    My ticket to Polyface

    Hey, call me greedy. If I could get someone to pay me $500 to $1,000 a crack to tour my farm, I'd do it in a heartbeat. :D There must be something there if people are willing to pay it. To the rest, thanks much. I'll enjoy the FREE kool-aide while I can. Will post pics and a full report. Pics...
  4. Buster

    My ticket to Polyface

    A friend of mine who was a former Polyface Farm apprentices has had a difficult time in Oklahoma due to last year's heat and drought and a fire the burned 2/3 of his ranch. Well, an opportunity came up he couldn't resist. One of Joel Salatin's rental farms has become available and Joel invited...
  5. Buster

    i'm on youtube :)

    :thumbsup I have goats. But I helped milk 110 cows morning and night when I was in high school. No milking of any kind for me. :D
  6. Buster

    Are posters here HAPPIER having few men in SS Forums?

    I belong to a simple living forum. And that is very similar to SS in mindset. You see a lot of the same sorts of topics discussed. There is not quite an even number of male/female members or posts (slightly more women), but it is very very close. So, I would submit the subject of the forum has...
  7. Buster

    great pyrenees dog - you got one?

    We have four. Best livestock security you can get. So, while this one fell through, I would definitely recommend you try one for your place. Get a pup and train it up right. Here is the best resource I have found for training and care...
  8. Buster

    Ya all might wanna read up on EO13575.......

    It could, but I don't listen to talking head propagandists. From either side. :D
  9. Buster

    Ya all might wanna read up on EO13575.......

    Why is it some folks just regurgitate cliche's from some talking head propagandist rather than think for themselves and respond to the point made? :)
  10. Buster

    Well this is stepping over some boundries...

    What an amateurish piece of crap. Poorly written, badly formatted, hyperbolic garbage. What is it, written by a bunch of high school kids?? I can't believe you people are taking this seriously.
  11. Buster

    Wow, what's going on here? Peace on post #18

    Another technique I use... When there are things out there I can't control, like in politics or on the news, I focus on some aspect of self sufficiency. Something I can control that THEY (whoever THEY are at the moment) can't take away from me. I sat in the gallery and watched my state...
  12. Buster

    Wow, what's going on here? Peace on post #18

    You know, I felt the same way sometimes during the last administration. I thought the country was going to hell in a handbasket on a fast track. Then, about 2/3 through that 8 years, I stopped listening to so many talking heads and watching the 24/7 news channels. And remembered, this is...
  13. Buster

    Wow, what's going on here? Peace on post #18

    Sounds like you need to take a break from the Talking Heads. They can depress anybody, regardless where you find yourself on the political spectrum. Here's a positive little ditty by my favorite philosopher... ======================================== Listen to the MUSTN'TS, child Listen to...
  14. Buster

    Ya all might wanna read up on EO13575.......

    Well, I think y'all are making WAY too much of this. All I'm seeing in this is a directive for departments to work together under the department of Ag for the betterment of rural communities and sustainable agriculture. I don't see what is wrong with that. Last year, I had the pleasure of...
  15. Buster

    Ya all might wanna read up on EO13575.......

    From the Executive Order itself... Yeah, that's some scary stuff, there. :D
  16. Buster

    TV crushes

    Y 5'8" Most champion body builders are little guys like that. Something about the shorter frame making it easier to pack on muscle density. Arnold and Lou Ferigno are the exception. Stalone is about 5'8 too, I think.
  17. Buster

    Our AC unit just died :/ UPDATE!

    Small window units in a couple of bedrooms to at least sleep at night. Couple hundred bucks at most. To cool off quickly and cheaply, run cold water over your wrists. It will cool your body quickly. Play with that concept with ice. Warming yourself in winter use warm water. 110 here yesterday...
  18. Buster

    The Economy and Voting for Back yard Chickens

    I voted early and often, from multiple devices. I can do that. I'm a Democrat.
  19. Buster

    TV crushes

    Jolene Blalock, T'pol from Star Trek Enterprise. I guess Angelina is out, since she is film and not TV. ETA Oh. I see others have already broken the film line. In that case I will add my first crush... Raquel Welch.