About two years ago we started really getting things that could help us be more self sufficient.
We always look at our 401K and make sure it is diversified. My husband is a whiz at that and seems to always make good choices.(lucky me) He did change over to gold about three years ago. Not...
WHAT A MESS! The government is so inefficient it makes you want to cry.
They can't supply decent health care for their veterans. My dad has to wait months just to get an appt. and then he has to drive 70 miles to get there. The VA hospitals are full of empty rooms but they still have to be...
This is one of the great joys of having children. You can torment them just like your parents did to you! :D
I certainly hear you about the meats and produce that were put up,and in our case still continue. It is nothing for us to bring in several pickup loads of potatoes,melons,and fruit in...
We have a chore list posted on a bulletin board in the kitchen. There are chores that have to be done before breakfast is served and afternoon chores that have to be done before suppertime.(It's not that they won't get fed,but it might be late)
The youngest kid was four when he started feeding...
Welcome from a NRA member. When I was a kid the pickup trucks lined up ,on the curb, Thursday night all boasted gun racks. And some held up to five shotguns. Of course, now you'd get arrested if you did that.
It's not a bad idea to be able to defend yourself. There have been numerous stories...
Oh boy, someone asked for my opinion..... :old I agree with most, that America comes first and we need to solve our own problems . Less government intervention would be good. The more they jump into everyone's business the more the American public thinks that they are "entitled" . The...
We have been homeschooling for 11 years now. It all started when our oldest son was diagnosed with Autism. They local ESU(Educational Service Unit) wanted him to ride on a bus(he was 3) and go for "intervention" with seven other Autistic kids. Some of the kids were self injurious and had bad...
It's been quite a while since I was in school. We never got paddled, just had to sit facing the corner while everyone snickered . It was very EFFECTIVE. I wouldn't send my kids to a school where they could be spanked. I'm the only person who can use corporal punishment on my children. Something...
I have five kids that help. A mom and dad that have done enough canning/butchering that they can give me wonderful advice on how to do it quickly.
Don't feel bad about complaining about your mom. My dad called me the other day to order a chainsaw part. I was hanging laundry and had to stop...
Send your mom here! By the time she gets done helping can the 10, 5 gallon buckets of green beans, the two pickup loads of corn, 3 pickup loads of tomatoes( we do love tomatoes) the 175 chickens,3 pigs, 2 steers, .............. Aw now I want to cry!! No wonder I'm so dang tired. This squirrel...
There are seven of us and we spend about $100.00 a week on grocery. I think most of it is on toilet paper. Ha!Ha!
Keep telling the kids that we might have to go back to the four seater outhouse(a.k.a. woodshed) and the JCPenny catalog like back in the day. Now THAT is recycling!!
Central Nebraska
Bitterly cold in winter/blast furnice in summer
Tornadoes/hail/high winds
sandy soil
lack of good medical care
uncertain growing season
bugs,bugs and more bugs!!
high taxes
high land prices (in some areas)
You'll get a crash course in self sufficiency...
Our kids don't attend public school so they don't ask for a lot of "in" things. They have friends who have Game Boy's, computer games and designer clothes. We usually sit down and weigh the costs with them. I am happy to say most of the time they would rather get something else. (animals for 4-H...
Sometimes I am able to make or lose money. If I have excess produce like this year arround 100 watermelon and cantalope. Plus more fruit than one person could possibly can, then I make a little bit of money on the extra. What I am finding is that people will pay just about anything for free...
We are lucky in that all our meat is raised organically. We have chickens for eggs and meat. Beef mainly to eat. We still buy milk because milking a cow or a goat everyday isn't our thing. We were lucky enough to get a couple of young pigs free from a neighbor that didn't want to mess with a...