Turkeys ain't nothin' after you've seen two draft horses go at it. We took in a Belgian stallion the first year we lived here. He was scheduled to go to be gelded in a day and we went to town to run some errands. The kids called frantic because the stallion had broken down the corral and the...
I can help. Most of my garden is heirloom tomatoes so I would have several varieties of tomato but there should be some other veggies as well even though I had to cut back this year.
We homeschooled for two years to get a couple of our special needs kids caught up as the public school was intent upon passing them through the grades regardless of their ability to read or write. I was a huge success for all of us. I learned the patience I needed to teach them and the...
I have a blog: http://farmgirlmusings.blogspot.com/
Lately, it's been filled up with whining about my surgery and subsequent problems but I promise it will go back to farm stuff as soon as I get back from this (hopefully) LAST surgery and start feeling better.
I had a stash cooking day today I guess though I wasn't really thinking about it at the time. I used some of my rice stash (I think we have about 50 pounds in buckets and another bag I need to get into buckets) and mixed it with some of my home canned cream of chicken and mushroom soup. Then I...
We had to make an emergency run into the doctor's office because the drain bag attached to my belly plugged up and I was in excruciating pain. The doctor says he's going to have to take me BACK into surgery and cut out the rest of my stomach. You know I'm excited. And that's my weekend.
My daughter spent a semester in Rome and said the same thing. They shopped every day. The refrigerator is a tiny little thing and while they had plenty of space to do actual cooking there was very little storage space for canned goods....and speaking of canned goods, she really couldn't find...
I'm all about the spreadin' the cheese on the crackers. I'll mix the cream cheese with whatever combination strikes my fancy-cheddar, garlic, onion, green onion, dill, salsa, tomatoes, strawberries, blackberries,....I could go on all day so long as the cheese goes on the cracker.
I want a dairy cow (whine).
I'm really sick right now because the properties around here are going so very cheap. I can get 40-60 acre places with fencing and outbuildings for about half what I STILL OWE on this place and this place isn't worth what I STILL OWE. (sigh)
If I had more acreage I...
I got married in high school and it was BAD so when I got my divorce I had a wonderful time. My parents had never been particularly supportive or affectionate, lord knows my ex husband wasn't even nice to me so being single was like discovering myself and the world for the first time. Now, I...
Hmmmm, I wonder if this means that my little Appy has been hobble trained? She once got tangle up in a hot wire (that wasn't hot obviously) and the ONLY way I knew it was that I noticed she'd been standing in that spot for hours and her baby was afraid to go near her. The baby was eating off...
Ah, I thought so. I've got a little appy mare who's got a lot of QH foundation if you go back far enough (why is it that app and QH are so intertwined anyway? You don't see that in any other horse breed.....wrong, always find a TB if you go back far enough in the QH pedigree) and she's got...
Hmmm, that might be something that would work with my old girl. We have a PMU rescue, Perch who's 19 years old. When we got her she was 14 and headed to the meat sales and had NEVER had her feet touched. We have drugged her all these years to take care of her feet but man, that get expensive...