Search results

  1. Rebecka

    How To Cook Rice

    I've done rice on an open fire with a dutch oven. Maybe you could that in the fire box of your wood stove?
  2. Rebecka

    Mead Pump

    Very cool indeed! I am totally setting my sweet husband to task on this one ! Every batch of mead in this house gets 3 rackings before it ever sees a bottle. However, we never have any sediment, or off flavor. I have tasted too many meads that could have been so much better had they just been...
  3. Rebecka

    Beekeeping...for those interested!

    Wow! So that was absolutely exhilarating !!! We had made a horrible new beek error when we installed the nuc. For fear of not wanting to mush anyone, we only put 8 frames in the hive, so needless to say .. they did what bees do and used the extra space. We talked to several of our local beeks at...
  4. Rebecka


    Green Beans. Not near as much as I had hoped. I had hoped to be swamped with canning them for a solid two weeks. Sadly , it doesnt look like the garden is going to produce that much.
  5. Rebecka

    My Vegetable Garden Sucks!!!

    I know the feeling. Spinach , broccoli, radishes.. lost. Not dead, I just cant find them for the weeds.:barnie For weeks its been near painfully hot and humid with a daily downpour. I swear they just keep bumping the end of the flood warnings back. It was rare to see the little sun icon in the...
  6. Rebecka

    Anyone have a kitchenaide mixer?

    I love my KA mixer so much I find a reason to use it daily. In fact, Lowes gave it to us. We had a coupon for 20% off our purchase so we got that and several other things. I paid with a card and flat didnt notice that they didnt ring up the mixer. We got out to the car and while my sweet husband...
  7. Rebecka

    Sick or injured Rooster ! failing again :( please help

    There is real weakness in his legs. Though I wonder if there might be an imbalance or something. The wind will blow him over at times. He can stand, just not well or for long. He can walk, but he is back to flapping his wings for balance. He cant stand at all on an uneven surface, my lap, heavy...
  8. Rebecka

    Sick or injured Rooster ! failing again :( please help

    I've come to be very attached to Bob. We spend happy hours together in the garden, me pointing out bugs to him, him eating them then getting my affections for doing so. The night before last we had a really bad storm. We forced the chickens in the coop for fear of hail and afterward let them...
  9. Rebecka

    Beekeeping...for those interested!

    Okay.. help! I could post on the "bee forum" but I am more than a bit intimidated by those folks. So, we got a nuc, 4 deep frames of brood and honey. We gave them 6 frames of wired frames with No foundation. The thought was that we wanted to give them the space to be bees. They are doing just...
  10. Rebecka

    Mustard greens vs condiment?

    If I havent said so lately.. OMG I love you people! I swear you read my mind! I have wild mustard growing here too. I have been hesitant to pull it from the garden ( even though the greens are tough) because I was hoping to use the seed. Thanks!
  11. Rebecka

    KEFIR grains-Mind if we give them their own thread?

    okay.. I can't take it anymore! Where is a good place to get them from? I have to try now, all the smart people in my life ( you guys) are doing it, I have to now too!
  12. Rebecka

    Why a starving country rejects US aid

    ~gm, I cant thank you enough for reminding me why I buy ONLY organic to ensure I get no GMO's I can't thank you enough for fueling my desire to contact those in charge and let them know my feelings on biodiversity , hybrids and GMO's and once again.. thanks for reminding me why folks who only...
  13. Rebecka

    Apple Chipper?

    Has anyone made an apple chipper? We have several apple trees and I would like to take advantage of them fully. Apple Cider, hard cider, ACV , mead base ect ect.. We have an old lard press that will double as an apple press, but I am at a loss for a manual means of chipping that doesnt involve...
  14. Rebecka

    Sick or injured Rooster ! failing again :( please help

    Bob has flat stopped improving. We were seeing daily improvement, not anymore. He can stand, but not for long. He cannot run at all without falling over. Though, he does not seem to be getting any worse. Today a stiff wind knocked him over. I have no idea at all whats wrong with him, I am just...
  15. Rebecka

    I need an answer,,,ASAP!

    OMG! No way! :gig
  16. Rebecka

    Apple Cider Vinegar Bragging thread!

    Sunburn, poison ivy /oak , swelling due to injuries , scalp treatment for flakes, water conditioner, in the steamer for veggies and for our sinus troubles. Now that I think about it, I use it so much for minor medical issues that the very smell of it makes me feel better over all.:lol:
  17. Rebecka

    I need an answer,,,ASAP!

    I would have her watch for abdominal or lower back pain. Being diabetic changes things a bit and if she already has some issues with kidneys and that much Tylenol. Worst case would be failure, though not likely. If she sees that her urine is the color of cola, she should get to the hospital with...
  18. Rebecka

    hahahaha over-educated farmer

    LOL thanks for the laugh!
  19. Rebecka

    injured poult

    OMG! He is so cute I think it made my teeth hurt! You've done it now. Now I have to get turkeys :P
  20. Rebecka

    Tea Party With a Surprise Ending

    Ditto to BBH. I am sure I see the same look of wonder in both their eyes watching each other in car :)