Lovin' The Homestead
The first year I put it in, I had an enormous amount of veggies. So much in fact, that I had to give away some of it because it was more than we could use. Every since, I've had a steady decline in the performance of the garden I add lots of homemade compost and use a natural fertilizer every few weeks. It's that seaweed liquid fertilizer that I just mix with water. I have a problem with something eating my beans and squash leaves. I think a caterpillar. I sprinkle the area with DE and that makes them go away for a while but they come back. This spring I had the soil tested. The ph was a little high (basic) so I added sulpher at the rate that was recommended on the bag. This year my squash plants are puny. They're making lots of flowers, but the leaves are so small and yellowing. I have soaker hoses set on a timer so they're definitely getting enough. The one thing I have noticed is the lessening amount of sun exposure from year to year. My trees and the neighbor's trees are all getting bigger. Plus, my garden is on the north side of my house. I had no where else to put it, because my yard is very shaded.
Really, it's embarrassing. I majored in horticulture for goodness sakes! HELP!
Really, it's embarrassing. I majored in horticulture for goodness sakes! HELP!