I, feel the need to share my witness today to what I believe to be a true surrendering to our Lord.
Some, may remember me asking for prayer's for a family that had experience the sudden death of their son to a tragic accident. This is a family that talked and walked with our Lord and this week...
Laureli, God's merciful blessings go out to you and your family. My prayer's for you is God' will, will be to continue to hold you in his precious hands and guide you through this trying time :hugs
Prayer request please........ My director's son was killed today.Please pray for them as well as the young lady that ran over him. My Director is one these bosses you can only hope to have. You don't have to spend much time with him before you know that he is one of God's children a gentle and...
I like the fact it is a quilt I call finish as you go. I have pieced a quilt and tempted to quilt it but that is where my experience showed. I
based first but it still shifted and I had to remove all the stitching. I have a greater appreciation for quilting.
yes,this is the one the only difference from the one my grand mother made was the center was smaller. When you do decide to make one please post and let me know how hard it would be for a novice to make. I am thinking it is harder than it appears
Great pics :D love your quilt. I have a question for you....... have you ever made a cathedral quilt? the reason I ask is because my Grandmother made one and her blocks were about a 1 1/2 inches so tiny but absolutely beautiful. I would love to find this pattern.