Sufficient Self's Bible Study Group


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Prayers for travelling graces to El Presidente!!!! Have a good trip! :D


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
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Prayer request please.
The theif cometh not but to steal kill and destroy. John 10:10


Power Conserver
Dec 25, 2011
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Rebecca, prayer's going out.......

BB, Prayer's for a safe trip and enjoy your time with your Dad...


Power Conserver
Mar 3, 2011
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Laureli said:
There is a peace and a hope here... I haven't really been on in forever as I have been limiting my computer time in order to get more SS time in. The other night I needed some help in identifying a creepy crawling thing and tonight I am just going through some old stompin' grounds. I have landed here. My prayer request is that after a good night's sleep, I will be able to clearly know what my prayer request is. All I can say at this moment is that I am feeling a lil blue with many things that are going on. I don't want to lose sleep because I need clarity in my thinking tomorrow. My grandma always told me that things look better in the morning and so with that said, Goodnight all. I will keep you all in my prayers till morning.

God is in CONTROL and not the author of confusion.
Ok. We got some disappointing news as it related to a house classified as a "HandyMan's special". At the end of an agreed term, we would have the lease with option to buy.
We have been looking due to our landlady "evicting" us because we would not allow her to inspect the house "ANYTIME SHE WANTED TO." We had an attorney draft a letter which he mailed to her and requested that she call his office. She never responded to the letter, was not available for payment of the next month's rent and has NOT spoken a word to us in 28 days. :he We purchased a postal money order to pay May's rent and completely feel justified in living here and NOT readying ourselves for a move, but her silence is very, very scarey for us. Actually, I mean ME. My husband is a rock. I am gravel. :hu

My daughter has some special needs and has a major IEP meeting on the 23rd. I also recently received word from SSI that they would be reviewing wages to determine income eligibility as to whether or not she can continue to receive benefits. They (SSI) make me crazy because they want to review a period of time that they already reviewed. My husband recently received an eighty cent raise correction forty cents.... and I think 6 alarms must have gone off in their computer systems. I worry because we have in the past 6 months gotten a food stock ready, we can like fools and are trying to prepare for "emergencies" like him losing his job, pwr going out and anything else that could go wrong and will. My faith in the government is nearly nill, but if it weren't for SSI (which both my husband and I have worked since we were 16 and 18 years old, and worked more than one job many years past and never would have thought about applying for assistance of any kind. The situation has just gotten to what it is over the past few years) we would probably be in worse shape. I tried working for a year and it confused SSI so we wound up owing a 4400 in overpayment. There are details to that that I really can't explain in this post, but would if it was necessary for clarification.

Prayer request has got to be something like, we can continue living in this rental until we can move up and out. My daughter will get the IEP services and not have issues from a placement standpoint and SSI will get the information that it needs without taking away until we have done all we can to NOT need them. We would rather not have to contend with less, but we come from strong and perserverant ancestors and we will somehow make it. :thumbsup


Power Conserver
Dec 25, 2011
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Laureli, God's merciful blessings go out to you and your family. My prayer's for you is God' will, will be to continue to hold you in his precious hands and guide you through this trying time :hugs


Power Conserver
Mar 3, 2011
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lazyday said:
Laureli, God's merciful blessings go out to you and your family. My prayer's for you is God' will, will be to continue to hold you in his precious hands and guide you through this trying time :hugs
Thanks. I really needed that.



Power Conserver
Dec 25, 2011
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I, feel the need to share my witness today to what I believe to be a true surrendering to our Lord.

Some, may remember me asking for prayer's for a family that had experience the sudden death of their son to a tragic accident. This is a family that talked and walked with our Lord and this week they were put to the test of their trust in God's wishes. This Young man had dreams of becoming a lawyer and was looking forward to starting in the University he had chosen. He was also involved in mission works as well and loved by many.
He had made a bad choose and payed with his life. When, I had learned of the accident I worried for his Parent's, but what I witness makes me only want to draw closer to our Lord. They did not wavier in the love of our Father but seem to draw closer to him. I had to stop and reflect in my own strength and faith.Could I, would I draw closer to our Lord, or would I let anger consume me? I pray that I could keep my heart open and put my trust in our Lord.May I, please ask that you continue to pray for this family. Thank you, and God's blessing's be your's today and always.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
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So I read this devotion today. It kinda stuck in my mind. "Accept every event as my hand-tailored provision for your needs. When you view your life this way, the most reasonable response is to be thankful".
"Okay," I thought, "Lord, what about the bad things? Like when satan attacks us and bad things happen?". He answered me with the scripture Romans 8:28. "We know all things work together for good to them that love God."
Wow, I knew He could turn the bad around to good,and that we are to worship and give thanks in the bad also, but I never thought of the bad being part of His great provision for us. I just never thought of it that way. Thank you, Father, for your provision-both for the "good" and the "bad"!!!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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rebecca100 said:
So I read this devotion today. It kinda stuck in my mind. "Accept every event as my hand-tailored provision for your needs. When you view your life this way, the most reasonable response is to be thankful".
"Okay," I thought, "Lord, what about the bad things? Like when satan attacks us and bad things happen?". He answered me with the scripture Romans 8:28. "We know all things work together for good to them that love God."
Wow, I knew He could turn the bad around to good,and that we are to worship and give thanks in the bad also, but I never thought of the bad being part of His great provision for us. I just never thought of it that way. Thank you, Father, for your provision-both for the "good" and the "bad"!!!
Amen sis! I have seen this in action in my own life many times. :)