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  1. so lucky

    How to disable e-mail notices

    On the e-mail itself, at the bottom, there is a place where you can edit your preferences. It takes me to the forum, and I can click to disable e-mails on this particular thread, or all e-mails. I have been clicking "all e-mails" to no avail. After reading Cane's method of going to the top of...
  2. so lucky

    How to disable e-mail notices

    I don't want an e-mail every time somebody replies to something I have commented on. Each time I get an e-mail notice, I go through the process of disabling all e-mail notices for this forum, but it doesn't seem to do any good. How can I permanently disable all e-mails? This is getting frustrating!
  3. so lucky

    TEG gang, say howdy here!

    Howdy Kassaundra! Is that your kitty cat?
  4. so lucky

    I'm thinking of dabbling in the farmers market next year.

    Great post, Daffodil. You appear to be the right mix of pragmatic and idealist to be able to make it work. Most of us are not brave enough to put all our eggs in a basket that we know we don't have ultimate control over. You have my admiration. :thumbsup
  5. so lucky

    Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

    I guess the ice cream bucket would work for chickens, too? Mine seem to prefer the crumbles, but sure waste a lot.
  6. so lucky

    Your Help Needed - Evalutating NEW Forum Software

    I went there and signed up using my same user name. I like it so far, simply because the italics and the underline work. I couldn't get a smiley panel to come up tho.
  7. so lucky

    Hi Everyone!

    It's been a while since I have done any remodeling work, and I have just realized how outdated my house is. I will be doing a lot of looking and learning. I don't even know what I like anymore, so I will probably be asking a lot of questions. This looks like a great forum with knowledgeable...
  8. so lucky

    North Dakota??

    I think I would find the location of the jobsite on Google earth, then see what smallish towns are close. Search on line for the newspapers/want ads/real estate ads for those areas. Use an on-line encyclopedia to find out about the area's manufacturing, climate, population, average income range...
  9. so lucky

    Posting for Mom - Grandpa's farm for sale. 60+ acres available in IN

    Ooh, I would love to own some workable acreage like that, but alas, not in this lifetime, I don't think. I hope you find a buyer that wants to work it and keep the traditions going.
  10. so lucky

    Mail Order Chickens

    Sorry, no pics. My phone camera doesn't do-si-do with my laptop. One of the Sussex isn't going to make it. We have tried water, sugar water, gator-aid water, even some watered down b-complex vitamin drops. Right now, she is lying on her back with her little feet up in the air, just barely...
  11. so lucky

    Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?

    WBF, have you tried D-manose for your UTI's? My mom's doctor (dermatologist, not urologist--go figure) told her to take it for her frequent uti's, and it really seems to help. It's a natural sugar that makes the bad bacteria sluff off instead of attaching to the bladder, sort of like cranberry...
  12. so lucky

    Mail Order Chickens

    Well, they arrived this morning. I got home with them about 8:00am. I stuck their beaks in water first thing. One little speckled Sussex seems to be pretty listless. I have dipped her beak about 4 times, but she still doesn't drink yet. The others all look fine, for the most part. Brooder is...
  13. so lucky

    Mail Order Chickens

    Yes, I have talked to the post office three times. They are beginning to recognize my voice, lol! I have read that chicks can go 72 hours without water or feed, when first hatched. It will be just under that deadline if I get them tomorrow morning. :fl
  14. so lucky

    Mail Order Chickens

    I ordered a few chicks to be delivered this week. I thought they would be here today, but they didn't show up. Friday will be day three in transit, so I am really anxious about the condition of the chicks when/if they do come in tomorrow. IF they are still alive, do you think their first water...
  15. so lucky

    Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

    The bad thing about those good pain relievers, in my experience, is that they often make the patient delusional or "out of it." My dad went through horrible delusions the last month of his life. Looking back, we now believe it was due to the meds. If he hadn't been so combative, maybe he...
  16. so lucky

    I'm thinking of dabbling in the farmers market next year.

    I was at a farmers' market yesterday and made it a point to visit every stand. One large stand caught my eye with the variety of products: from fresh fruit and vegetables, to homemade bread, jellies and spice mixes. Unfortunately, the bad points outweighed the good upon closer inspection. All...
  17. so lucky

    Let's bring in some new members!

    Hey, Welcome, Sun & Moon! I understand what you are saying about BYC, and I agree. So you have chickens? Tell us about them, and a little about yourself, if you don't mind. what area are you in? country or town? Single? Kids? Retired?
  18. so lucky

    Organic Agronomical Tips

    It's almost like someone did it for fun, just playing with the translator applications. If so, they succeeded. It's pretty funny!
  19. so lucky

    Organic Agronomical Tips

    Well, Bee, surely you can see that it is about affectionate apprentices and accumulated adumbration annihilation! ;)
  20. so lucky

    Just excited

    Can you post a pic for those of us who are imagination-challenged? :P