So I have been going to the farmers market and well I think I want to try. Everyone has the same things except maybe a different kind of bean. I was thinking I want to go grow some wild looking tomatoes and zinnias for cutting flowers. Just have a little booth and what doesn't sell I'll donate to the food pantry and my grandmas nursing home. I was thinking of offering a tomato sampler. Do taste tests. Make my friends come and sit and do them so people stop to see what we are doing. I also want to set my booth up differently then everyone else. They just back the truck up and sell out of the back of it. Also getting more chicks this fall so they are laying come spring for market. I would be happy to just make enough to cover what I spent. I was thinking two maybe three spaced out plantings of Zinnias so I'll have some each week maybe 50 or 100 tomato plants? Any-hows thoughts?