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  1. Dawn419

    Feeling bummed about this years' harvest....or lack there of...

    :frow Another one with a miserable garden season, who totally commiserates with your venting! :hugs It started for us in mid-April, it was 92F here on April 19th of this year...I have pix of snow on that day from several years ago (in a different state). :idunno I decided last winter, that I'd...
  2. Dawn419

    water and milk Kefir grains

    I got my milk grains from citylife, who is a member here. Not sure if she is messing with hers right now as the last time I talked with her, she was working out of state. As for cultures for health, I subscribed to their e-mails when I was looking for information about kefir and am impressed...
  3. Dawn419

    Dawn419 & doc's LSTA: Confounded Computer!!!

    Maybe so, but there's always tomorrow and Wednesday...will be at moms on Thursday so you'll get a break then! :gig
  4. Dawn419

    Dawn419 & doc's LSTA: Confounded Computer!!!

    Dinner is devoured! Had pork roast, stuffing and steamed broccoli. Didn't wrap the roast in bacon since doc wanted to do it on the grill. I'll save it for a night of slow roasting in the new 10-in-1 kitchen toy as a suprise some night. ;) Wanted to work on getting those two trees out of the...
  5. Dawn419

    TALchemist - back and moving along

    Bummer on not hearing anything today but you have plenty of company waiting along with ya! :hugs
  6. Dawn419

    Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey

    Can't wait to hear how the dried greens turn out! I love picking a mess of poke greens in spring and cooking them up! Back in TN, I knew a lady who used to can her poke greens so that the family could eat them anytime of the year. I got to try them once and blech! I'll wait until spring and...
  7. Dawn419

    Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

    Yay for making more progress on the pigweed! :celebrate We have it on our place but it's only in a small area around the guinea coop/run. The stuff is aggravating, I get an area cleared of it and a few days later it's back. :rolleyes: I'm beginning to wonder if the pulled up stuff grows legs...
  8. Dawn419

    Dawn419 & doc's LSTA: Confounded Computer!!!

    Hey Deb, I started a thread about aquariums here. First post is about how I got into them (it's all docs' fault!). Howdy ~gd! We used to keep aquariums for ochids, too, back in TN. We went from having a fish room (when living in town) to an orchid room (when we moved to the country).The...
  9. Dawn419

    Wannabefree...guess what I got in the mail today!?!?!?!?

    Hope your back gets to feeling better and looking forward to hearing more about the escapee adventure! :hugs
  10. Dawn419

    The Aquarium Chat Thread

    I talk quite a bit about our 2 aquariums over in our journal but thought it be cool to start a thread for aquarium enthusiasts to share pix of their tanks and to share experiences and knowledge. I also hope that members who are interested in the hobby, but don't have a tank yet, will also join...
  11. Dawn419

    Mayo Jar and 2 beers............

    Niiiiiice! ;)
  12. Dawn419

    Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey

    Nope, no wrong way that I know of, to cook a pork loin! ;) We brought one home from my moms' freezer (dorm-sized 'fridge here in the camper), along with a pack of bacon (we hit a fantastic meat sale from the store she works part-time at). Doc asked me was I planning to wrap the loin with the...
  13. Dawn419

    Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

    Cheyenne is a lot lot Dozer as far as loving most everyone. She's positive that every person she she's is there to give her some love as she's got plenty to give them, whether they're interested or not! :gig Took her for a big ride down to Jonesboro today and she wouldn't take a pee break...
  14. Dawn419

    TALchemist - back and moving along

    It's so refreshing to see someone excited about a Monday! :lol: Sorry, couldn't resist and I'm excited right a long with ya! ;) We bought our land on June 19, 2009, and when it went through so quickly, I know I forgot to breath for about 2 days as I just couldn't believe it had actually...
  15. Dawn419

    The Greenhorn and the Mule Egg!

    :gig So glad I didn't have any liquid in my mouth when reading this one! :gig
  16. Dawn419

    Dawn419 & doc's LSTA: Confounded Computer!!!

    Sooo, yesterday we grabbed up mom and went to Batesville in search of replacement tubes for the salt tanks' light, fish food for the Clownfish and some freshwater tropical fish. We hit 3 different stores and came up bust on all of them! Talk about frustrating! :( Kinda got us homesick for TN and...
  17. Dawn419

    Hello From Queensland

    Hello and Welcome to the forum, Adam! :frow Make yourself at home here and enjoy! :D
  18. Dawn419

    Dawn419 & doc's LSTA: Confounded Computer!!!

    Nothing new and exciting happening around here, lately, and I can live with that! :D Had a storm come through yesterday afternoon. Saw a bit of lightning and a bit more of much needed rain. Been keeping my eye on the radar as we have another small line of storms heading this way! :celebrate...
  19. Dawn419

    Wisconsin Roll Call

    Welcome back, Tatter! :frow It's good to see you posting again and best wishes on your new home business! :hugs
  20. Dawn419

    Live in a comfortable environment with air conditioning

    Please, please, puuuuuh-lease! If y'all see a post that is tempting trollism/trollishness... hit the report button located at the lower right hand corner of the suspect post! :rant