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  1. krjwaj

    Where did your life take you today?

    high school wa so long ago...
  2. krjwaj

    farmer's markets and eggs

    WOW! That's a lot of eggs! Are they brown or white? I just saw a post on Craigslist for brown eggs $3./dozen in the next county.
  3. krjwaj

    Recycling toilet paper tubes

    :idunno What's a worm collar?
  4. krjwaj

    Does anyone use Magic Jack for a home phone?

    We signed up for this a long time ago. It works. I know what you mean about the emergency. I'll check on that.
  5. krjwaj

    FreeCycle, Craigslist and other helpful links: Add your own, too!

    Just found a site called It looks similar to Craigslist. ETA: Another one,
  6. krjwaj

    Recycling toilet paper tubes

    I think I still have mine from Kindergarten!!! Great ideas! I like this one the best:
  7. krjwaj

    Does anyone use Magic Jack for a home phone?

    Magic Jack is an alternative to a landline. Its a small box that plugs into the USB port on your computer and you connect your telelphone wire to it. It is $40.00 the first YEAR and then $20.00 each year after. I am trying to see if I can keep my DSL for the computer if I drop At&t for the...
  8. krjwaj

    Recycling toilet paper tubes

    When DD is not collecting them for school projects, I still like to stash them for......? I know they can be re-shaped into biodegradable seed starter containers, and Christmas tree lights can be stored safety in the tube. What do you do with them? And no one better say they don't "waste...
  9. krjwaj

    The working a pic and tell us about them!

    He gets checked for heartworm at the vet but doesn't get regular meds. We do use (and need) the flea, tick and mosquito (?) liquid. That works well. That may be $10. -$12.00 or so at Target. (3 months supply)
  10. krjwaj

    What's for lunch?

    ;) I Work 3 12s or 2 12s and and 8.5 per week/ plus the classes I teach. No overtime pay. Its ok though..less traffic for the ride home!
  11. krjwaj

    Standby Power...It Adds Up Quick

    Yes, phantom energy! I sometimes call it 'ghost energy' or when Dh looks at me funny as i pull the plugs, "that's ghost power' Have been unplugging toaster and using powerstrip on computers. Unplug dvd and tv at night or is going to be gone all day. Don't unplug the coffee pot because we use...
  12. krjwaj

    The working a pic and tell us about them!

    miss_thenorth, your rottie looks like our Bosch. He is a rottie/black lab mix. So handsome!
  13. krjwaj

    What line of work are you in?

    Just wondering what experts and professionals we have here on I'll start: I am an xray tech and group fitness instructor Hubby has a house painting/handyman business.
  14. krjwaj

    Slapped or saved

    Saved!!!! ____________ hand written letters (instead of email)?
  15. krjwaj

    How aware are you?

    quick test:
  16. krjwaj

    What's for lunch?

    My perfect meal!! :) Today's lunch will be egg salad on whole wheat, an apple and some tortillas. And water. However I am working til 10Pm and also pack a dinner. Sometimes I get crazy and switch the meals... SO the other choice will be peanut butter and preserves on whole wheat, yogurt and...
  17. krjwaj

    NC man grows garden in shape of state

    link to the News Video: ...inspiration for next year, maybe??........
  18. krjwaj

    Your Charities and Good Deeds

    I work FT but I volunteer at DDs school whenever I can and send in supplies, etc. I would much rather tangibly give to someone I know than drop some change in a can infront of the food store. I never get involved with phone soliciatations, "police" or not. I have seen tv shows about who is rally...
  19. krjwaj

    The working a pic and tell us about them!

    Bosch isn't very productive, but he is sweet and loves his family. He waits for DD to come home from school. [/img]
  20. krjwaj

    Corn joke

    Simple and cute.... "Where did I come from?" asked the baby ear of corn. 'The stalk brought you," answered its mother. Source: The Super Joke Book, 1983