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  1. odd_duck99

    SufficientSelf's Chicken Thread!!!

    You can also sprout some of them (assuming they are raw)! Then when the seeds are ready, you just toss 'em the whole head! Our gals love it!
  2. odd_duck99

    AHHHH! Why can't I make yogurt?

    My spouse does the yogurt making here, but I can say that she had better luck with fattier milk. Our nonfat didn't firm up as well as even 1%. Also, the longer it goes, the more sour it gets. Any other advice needs more info.
  3. odd_duck99

    spinning wool :)

    My MIL just agreed to send me some alpaca fiber! I am so friggin' excited! :weee She has 3 years worth of fiber from 2 alpaca... just sitting there! :hu They have them more as pets, but knew the fiber was worth something, so they didn't get rid of it. She is going to send it to me for free - all...
  4. odd_duck99

    SufficientSelf's Chicken Thread!!!

    Just sold my first dozen of excess eggs of the year! :weee Might be able to do it year round once the Barred Rock pullets start up! Makin' the ladies pull their own!
  5. odd_duck99

    What do you WANT to learn to do?

    I know many/most of you have already added to this list, but I love this thread so much that I had to add to it! I would like to improve my knitting, canning, and gardening skills/knowledge. I would love to learn: To raise sheep or fiber goats, shear, process and spin my own! I would...
  6. odd_duck99

    Which seeds?

    You CAN plant dried beans from the store. We have done it many times. We have had success with black beans, lima beans, and some kind of white bean. I don't think we tried the kidneys, as we don't put those in as many dishes. They sprout fairly quickly, so I'd say buy some and give it a shot! In...
  7. odd_duck99

    What are you planting this year?

    That's what I was wondering too. We shall see this year I suppose! It also needed just a little pruning. Perhaps it just wasn't loved enough before it got here! :hugs
  8. odd_duck99

    Tomatoes from seed?

    They will be under a light. Technically it is a light for growing real plants in a fish tank, but it does the trick! I may need to experiment with how close to put the plants to it though, as I think it might be a bit stronger than a normal shop light. (makes sense if it is made to grow things...
  9. odd_duck99

    Does anyone do kitchen scrap gardening? Planting, not composting

    I did the green onion thing. You can either plant them or leave them in a cup of water, but planting them keeps them happy longer. You just keep snipping them, and they keep growing! On a side note, when we first moved in we were paroosing the wild and crazy-neglected back yard when we...
  10. odd_duck99

    What are you planting this year?

    OH! I forgot to mention that we always have strawberries, blueberries, huckleberries, black currants, raspberries, a young plum tree, and a young apple tree that is never happy in life. I am excited for the strawberries this year, as they are finally a couple years established and should produce...
  11. odd_duck99

    What are you planting this year?

    I agree with Wanna. I have never seen transplants, but creating your own shouldn't be too hard! We spilled some sunflower seeds in one of the raised beds last year and ended up with quite a few nice heads for the chickens! lol! It will also be a lot cheaper than buying all starts.
  12. odd_duck99

    What are you planting this year?

    This year we are starting to get smart about things. Finally! lol! We are also in the shallow end of the SS life, as we have only been in our 1st house for 3 years and have just started our family, etc. There is a learning curve for darn near everything! We are figuring out that our mild and...
  13. odd_duck99

    The End is Near.....

    I'm with you... WA is beauteous, but mostly because we don't remember what color the sky is or what that warm bright thing in the sky feels like anymore! By the time summer comes we are half-crazed due to cabin fever! This year I finally got some brains and decided to get early varieties of the...
  14. odd_duck99

    Do you have a minimum below which ...

    Our minimums include: ~food - nothing but organic or home grown veggies, prefer grass fed meat and home grown chicken, eggs from the girls or none at all, etc ~tools - especially the power tools ~some cleaning products - though I have since discovered the wonders of vinegar! ~mayonaise! lol...
  15. odd_duck99


    Funny... for me spring is just more mud, then it starts to lessen! lol! We usually get chicks this time of year, but we got them early this year in December (from Ideal)! Tryin' something new. We wanted eggs by summer! Only lost one to a hawk, which is pretty good considering the grass wasn't...
  16. odd_duck99


    This thread is too funny! LMAO! We also make pancakes and waffles en masse and freeze them. It makes for good breakfasts that are fast and different whilst working... or lazy! We use our waffle maker a few times a year, but I think it's worth it. I put them in the microwave just enough to...
  17. odd_duck99


    My mini daffodils have bloomed! :weee The crocus are up, and the tulips are working on it! Now I just need my ornamental cherry tree to get going and for my normal daffodils to appear... not sure what's up with them - don't see 'em yet! Hope the squirrels didn't get to them first. What means...
  18. odd_duck99

    Working for salary vs hourly?

    I think it all comes down to the company, your supervisor, and your boundaries. I know in nursing it can be hard to really set boundaries and be able to stick with them. I worked in Dementia care for several years (as the Activity Director, but close with the nursing staff), and most of the...
  19. odd_duck99

    MEAT BIRDS THREAD ~Plans, pics, pens, pluckers, processing! GRAPHIC!

    We are trying White Rocks for the first time this year. We are only doing 6, as we had a straight run of 25 Barred Rocks in Dec. We are in the midst of revamping our layer flock after finally deciding on a DP breed that we liked, and getting tired of feeding the rest of 'em all winter for no...
  20. odd_duck99

    my orange tress are blooming

    Hmm, well that doesn't seem too hard! Wonder why it didn't work the first time! Now all I need are blossoms... <stares at tree>