Well I would say allot of my friends and family would head our direction just because I do raise my own food to a certain extent and have chickens and rabbits and a place to hunt & fish. I can see different ones having different skills to help out BUT I am sure it would be a major(circus) ordeal...
Pugs are highly allergic to corn & wheat, chicken & beef are not too well tolerated (or at least mine were)
I had to feed mine a lamb and rice mix only, until they cleared up and then after a year I slowly reintroduced chicken & beef in small amounts and they tolerated them pretty well when only...
Well I wen with the windows 7 phone....for about 3 days :smack ....Took it back and got the IPhone 3GS. :love LOVE my Iphone!!! How did I ever function before? So user friendly (well I do have one almost teen and one 19 yo who I hollar at for help when I cant figure it out LOL) ..
Anyone use the kitchen-aid pasta attachments when using gluten free flour/dough? If so how well does it work?
I am afraid to spend that much money and it not work with GF dough very well, I have made noodles and just cut them with a knife but REALLY would love to make my own macaroni, ravioli...
I am a newbie to heirloom seeds. I have always just gone to the farm store and gotten seed and plants and would love to get into heirloom non gmo.
obviously have nothing to trade seed wise, but do have fresh fertilized eggs from my ladies in my back yard(buff orpington, and easter egger once...
he wears them under his work shirt. And to me the stains arent "visible" but he refuses to wear them. so I guess they will become rags(never have enough rags LOL) lol and I will slowly invest in black tshirts.
I have a front load washer so that is out.
I have several(like 10)l of my husbands white tshirts that I soaked in bleach in a bucket to try to rid of pit stains. But they came out with yellowish streaks splotches here and there that are very noticable.
Is there a way to dye these black without...
Here is what I do:
Made marinara & pizza sauce
9 GF pizza crusts
-3 hamburger,pepperoni, blk olive extra cheese
-6 hamburger,pepperoni, blk olive, green pepper, red onion, mushroom
3 pans of ramano, parmesan, asiago,italian mix, cheesy bread sticks
the kitchen aid and I both got a work out...
Sis in law wanted to have MIL bday dinner and have homemade pizza, bless her heart wanted to try to make one GF for me. I told her I already had some in the freezer and not to worry about it. Later I explained the CC thing with her mixer counters pans ect. But I very much appreciated the...
di short for Dianna, my mom use to call me di for princess di when she was all the rage and in the news, Pence - last name, 71 year I was born.. not very inventive but have used it for many many YEARS!!!!!
What would the best way to make and store Gluten Free homemade pasta be?????
I know you can just make it fresh every time but when working full-time at one job and 2 part time jobs and 2 kids as home, if I have a day to "cook" I wanna knock out a huge quantity of whatever and need good ways to...
Recipe for crust: of course I took it times 8
Brown rice flower mix :
6C brown rice flour
2C potato starch
1 C tapioca flour
Pizza Crust recipe:
1 C brown rice flour mix
1/2 C millet flour
1 tsp xanthan gum
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp sugar
1 packet quick rise yeast
1 tsp olive oil
3/4 C plus 1 TBLS...
:thumbsup Made marinara & pizza sauce
9 GF pizza crusts
-3 hamburger,pepperoni, blk olive extra cheese
-6 hamburger,pepperoni, blk olive, green pepper, red onion, mushroom
3 pans of ramano, parmesan, asiago,italian mix, cheesy bread sticks
the kitchen aid and I both got a work out today...