I tore up yet another food processor and was wondering how well the attachment works on the kitchen-aid.
Any suggestions, pro's con's of these attachment's???
We didn't get a single tomato this yr either. But I do make my own spaghetti sauce even if I have to use "store bought" or farmers market(preferably) stuff.
As well as I make my own zucchini tomato salsa and we eat allot of it so I canned like 30 quarts, yes quarts, of salsa. My zucc didn't grow...
"Disclaimer:I am not in anyway trying to convince anyone inexperienced in w/b canning of veggies, meats, etc. that would pose any risks of potentially harmful effects. This thread is intended for those who are experienced w/b canners to share ideas, recipes, etc"
I have a pressure...
Thank you free.
I think I will just make allot of pear juice, jam, and maybe butter this go round as I can't find the right yeast.
But I will definitely keep this for next year and hopefully will be able to make pear wine or any kind lol next year.
And no I am not fussy, my only requirement...
what r the basics? fruit sugar yeast? what kind of yeast? how long does it set what do u do to it lol. I am a serious newbie, never tried to make wine before, ever....
Got a huge box of pears and need recipes for canning?
Mostly need a good easy WINE recipe that uses everyday products, not a wine kit.
If there is such a recipe I know you all would have it!!!
""I have checked the local laws and it seems I can CMA by selling the pretty wax embossed seal that happens to contain pickled eggs.""
I am confused, what???? CMA?
Sorry I am one of those un"can"ventional canners and only water bath. I can all my stuff for about 90 minutes in water bath. I am sure if you follow instructions on canning meat it would be about the same.
see my thread called BURGOO... I listed all ingredients and info there. to lazy to retype, as on my phone because stupid internet isnt working right now lol...:(
cook down till fairly thick depending on ur taste or how long u can stand it.
I just canned 20quarts. and still have pans of it all over my kitchen...will have to wait a day or two till I clean/sanitize more jars and have more time. didnt think we would have quite this much but hubby was in a...
Polish, dont think so but who knows lol. It is a local " soup " that all the small towns around here have at their fairs. It has chicken, beef, corn, tomatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage, potato spagetti noodles(gluten free for me ) poultry seasoning, salt, pepper, celery salt, cook out in kettle...
40 gal kettle (only making 25 gal), outside wood fire, fresh chicken butchered last night, YUMMYYY...
got to go chop all my veggies now. then will have some left to can for quick meals.....yahhhhh....
Working on a big kettle(40 gal kettle making about 25 gal) of BURGOO!!! Outside with a real wood fire and FRESH(I butchered lastnight) chickens... (yes dh made some a few weeks ago and let it burn and it was awful not to mention all the work and my precious canning that went to the chickens...