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- #61
old fashioned
Almost Self-Reliant
I've not done potatoes before but have thought about trying it. My concern is less about acidity & more about starch content & how solid/dense they are.colowyo0809 said:Aight, now I have a question for the diehard water bathers
We bought 40#'s of potatoes when we were in montana cause it was a wonderfully good deal and they are actual idaho potatoesI'm thinking we need to can some of them so we have them instead of letting them go to waste. Do we just follow the directions for them that the ball book has for the pressure canner and just apply it to the water bath? should we double the time for the water bath? hmmm, questions! answers?
Disclaimer:I am not in anyway trying to convince anyone inexperienced in w/b canning of veggies, meats, etc. that would pose any risks of potentially harmful effects. This thread is intended for those who are experienced w/b canners to share ideas, recipes, etc
Now, that being said.....WHEN I do try potatoes (ya know I'm gonna sooner or later
Or possibly mix cut taters with other veggies for soup, stew, etc
Others may have other ideas that have already done taters

As for the mushrooms I did over a month ago...ahhh....what shrooms?.....

That goes double for the marinated mushroom recipe above. Having revived this thread reminded me that it was about time to try them. So I did & they tasted ggrrrrreat!!!

Now if only the store would have them on sale again (when I have enough $$ :/ )......I'll be doing alot more of each.