Lets face it, there are all kinds of bacteria everywhere. You'd probably be shocked at the amount in and around your home. If one thing doesn't kill you, another will. I'm more worried about what is in that plastic jug of pastuerized milk at the store than I am about goat milk that comes from my...
Is it Celtic Knot LaMancha's, Jessica Aller? I saw her ad on Craigslist. I don't know her personally but emailed back and forth a long time ago about getting colostrum for alpacas. She has a really nice herd.
He would probably need to be at least 5 months old. The older the better though. There isn't a definite age because they all mature at different rates.
Definitely get the buck rag. Like others have said, all the "usual" signs may not be a good signal. For instance, I have a female that flags...
It is seasonal. People don't want to be caring for chicks into the winter. Meyer ships either until or through November (can't remember) and then stops until the end of February.
They are busiest April through July. Although I have to say orders just kept coming in August. It has only really...
Are you truly glad to be done with milking? I'm working on drying off my girls. I put a bunch of milk in the freezer and I'm hoping to be able to drink it. I will definitely miss the milk. I make a breakfast shake every morning and it definitely tastes better with raw milk.
I'm milking a goat...
I don't think you can ever have enough barn cats. At my place I lose at least one a year so I have to keep adding. I suspect that coyotes or loose dogs get them and there is just no way to keep them locked up. Do you have a low cost spay/neuter place? I'm so grateful that we have a couple around...
If you get slipperly elm, it makes better balls but you still have to shove it down their throat far. Getting a drenching syringe would probably be the easiest way to do it.
You definitely need at least 2 goats. The mesh poultry electric fencing will work just fine if you have a good charge. Something like Premier 1 sells. Then you could move them all over the place.
I would suggest some sort of pocket pistol. That way you can have it on you at all times but not have to carry it in your hands. In most instances, you don't have time to run back and get a gun. Obviously a rifle would have to be carried unless you can strap it onto your back somehow. A pocket...
The air show is this weekend. Up at Burke Lake Airport. There is probably a county fair somewhere too. Maybe an Akron Aeros or Lake County Captains or Lake Erie Crushers game.
I would just go right to milking once a day. That is what I did with my girls. In fact, after today, I'm going to every other day. The fullness indicates to stop producing milk.
No damage here. I don't think we got it as bad as some. Just some puddles in the driveway when I went out this morning. Thunder woke me up last night but it didn't seem to last real long and the power flickered off/on once. My only problem was that the wind dumped the water out of the...