Always doing laundry

I got the molly's herbal dewormer. I am now on day 2 of trying to get these goats to eat the wormwood formula and they hate it....well, except my one doe that cannot ever be bred. Go figure.
My milker DETESTS molasses. What else can I mix this stuff with to get her to choke it down? This morning I got desperate and put a thin layer of peanut butter on her favorite animal crackers, dipped it in the powder and sandwiched it with another animal cracker. The little B!$#@ spit it at me. Then I put it on their favorite tulip poplar leaves the same way with the peanut butter and rolled it like a jelly roll and got Bethoron to eat it that way and of course Tally just ate whatever I put in front of her.
Aliana will not eat the stuff. She sniffs and then snorts at me. I don't have one of those drench syringe thingys so what can I put this stuff in to get her to eat it or am I just gonna have to shove it down her throat