About the only thing I give my adult rabbits is a small piece of dandelion leaves. It does tend to increase appitite so I dont give them much. I will give a protective doe a small piece of apple to keep her occupied while I take the next box out to check kits.
Adult rabbits can not handle the...
I am sorry your having to make this desision. They are often hard ones to make. I tend to want to put them out of any misery they may have. Its not always what we want to do, but sometimes its the best thing to do. I do not know how to fix it either. Good luck to you.
Thank you everyone. They sure are fun. They are walked daily in the pasture and they love it. When they see the dog leashes they get all excited.
And we have learned, its not always wise to turn your back on a baby nubian who wants to play. You can become a human trampoline.
I have been using mine as a baste for ribs.......... now that is some good stuff there! I just tried a tsp of it and wow does it catch your attention! But, it does make you clean out your lungs a bit. ufda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Interesting......... very good to know. I am looking forward to being able to drink mine. I took a small taste yesterday and so did a friend of mine. And, she liked it a lot as it was! I e-mailed her the recipe.
For your 4yr old, I would try adding some sugar to the tonic and taste it and...
Thank you very much. She is my Love! I wanted to be a mommy and refuse to add to the 8 million dogs put to sleep every year, so I got ahold of a shepherd rescue and volunteered to be a foster mom to a pregnant shepherd.
Mom had 10 surviving puppies. wow! I took the calmest puppy in the...
Thats really kewl that you use tractors for them. I have been looking into that a bit and reading the pros and cons. I am glad it works for you. The thing I worry about is having chickens, I would have to seperate them so there is not the risk fo coccidiosis.
Your so right, very easy to...
I planted an asparagus bed last year and just saw an hour ago it is already breaking soil and I am so happy. And yes, fresh asparagus is way way better then canned. :) Now, I just get to dig them back up and move them to my new house. LOLOL Just the luck.
I raise rabbit for supplimental meat and am very glad I do. The meat is amazing, as Ruthless said, it can be drier then chicken or have a firmer texture then chicken. It is all white meat. Handles heavy seasoned dishes well (like mexican food), and is very versitile. They are inexpensive to...
IMHO I think our eggs should sell for at least a buck higher then the "fancy organic ones" at the grocery store.
They are like 5 times better for you!
I to have become an "egg snob" My girls were molting and not producing and I had company and bought the "spensive" eggs at...
Your chickens will love love love kefir! There is no doubt.
I just went and tasted the carrots again. Hummm they taste like a spicey, slightly pickled carrot. I was kind of shocked at how spicey they are but I forgot I put pepper flakes in them. They are interesting, not bad at all. Just...
How are they feeling different?
I started a batch 3 or 4 days ago. thanks to Dawn419. I figure she loves my kefir grains she may have something here with this fire cider. :)
I will most likely make more tonight or tomorrow as I bought more horse raddish then needed. At $5 a lb. I figure I...
You may want to wait to give her a break in the winter time. Spring through fall are the times your rabbits will be more receptive. They naturally slow down production in the winter time. Just some food for thought.
I hope your lion heads work out for you.
I tried the carrots today and they are good.
I also used whey as conditioner for my own hair today and it is nice and soft and I have noticed my scalp does not itch. Yeah!
That is a bonus! You can lacto-ferment all kinds of veggies and add some whey to some fresh salsa and it will make it keep...
I am lacto-fermenting some carrot sticks right now. I put them in a jar with some kefir whey, a bit of salt, garlic cloves and red pepper flakes. It has been doing its thing for 4 days. Tastes pretty good. Next batch I probably will not use the garlic.
I think it is finished. Now I...
HWC Good Job! I am proud of you. It sure is a lot easier then a lot of people realize. It just a matter of being taught.
One way I explain to people is I want to have at least one meal a week that lived a wonderful life and had one bad second with me.
I have also found out that we tend to...
Nice looking dutch you have there and a good deal to boot. Good job!
There is a lot of info at backyardherds in the rabbit forum to help you out if needed.
I to was wondering if you where going to have them for meat rabbits. I know the dutch will work out, not sure about the lion heads. They...
Good for you Dawn! Glad you have got your groove on with Kefir. It takes a bit to figure it out. Just like when you let is brew for longer you will have the curds seperate out to the top and the yellow (whitish) liquid is your whey. I took some whey yesterday and added it to some sliced...