Almost Self-Reliant
None need to buy eggs. You already have a colorful basket!rd200 said:When i read your post i thought..... you should be charging MORE for free-range eggs,not less. In my part of the woods, Organic free range eggs go anywhere from $3-5/dozen depending. If they arent100% free range or100% organic then maybe $2.00 at the lowest. I get eggs from 2 different ladies. The one is Organic Free range and hers are 2.50/dozen and they are pretty good size eggs, mostly all browns tho. THis may sound stupid, but the other lady i get them from isnt 100% organic or free range, but she has always such nice eggs, and pretty colors too. I like opening up my egg carton and seeing pink, green, bluish-green, brown and everyother color there is too!!! I know....silly, but iprefer getting eggs from the lady with all different color ones. And they are .50cents more/dozen than the first lady. But the yolks always seem to be more orangish when i get the multi-color eggs from the one lady, so i tend to go to her for my eggs.so lucky said:Yes, but free range eggs are more valuable, nutrition-wise. Summer could be when you make a little profit! (or at least come closer to break-even)Wannabefree said:I only can charge $2 because mine mostly free range in the summer time. WAY less feed!
NOw that easter is coming up i have to go to the STORE to buy eggs. YIKES!!!! Those things look nasty now that ive been getting NICE Farm-fresh eggs
ETA: Gosh, my post sounded like a city-person... all those Pretty colored eggs.....
* No offense to city-people- just dont want to sound like one....cuz im not....