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  1. ams3651

    Saving screws, nuts and bolts..................

    my grandfather had all kinds of screws, bolts, washers, etc sorted into baby food jars with the lids nailed into the rafters in the cellar so you could see them, out of the way, sorted and easily retrieved. My dad has got buckets of assorted stuff at auctions, ive seen many at yard sales. Its...
  2. ams3651

    Help me slay this electric bill?

    an electric hot water heater will use up quite a bit. Try getting ...whats it called....a blanket? for it and turning the temp down a couple degrees. if nobody is home during the day you can turn the heat down a couple degrees then, do you have a programmable thermostat. We only have a light...
  3. ams3651

    How do you use your space?

    we have 2 acres, the house and yard is probably 1/2 acre. We have 3 apple trees but very old, one will be cut down and I want to plant 2 more. They were planted too close together how ever long ago my grandfather planted them. I also want cherry trees and blueberry bushes. I have a garden...
  4. ams3651

    Bread maching recipes - First One In the machine Right now!

    Hawaiian Sweet Bread hp?id=1310 I knew I had seen that one somewhere, I guess I didnt look back far enough. I will get started with the book but I want to try some new things too.
  5. ams3651

    Bread maching recipes - First One In the machine Right now!

    I just got my first bread machine :celebrate Please share your best easy recipes. Is there such a thing as low calorie bread for the machine?
  6. ams3651

    Gardening a little cheaper....

    good idea, my kids eat so much yogurt Im seriously considering making it myself.
  7. ams3651

    Bubble wrap what can I do with it?

    i use it in wrapping gifts, putting away Christmas ornaments, shipping items. Why not offer it up to someone who is moving?
  8. ams3651

    Stale bread?

    bread crumbs here too. I have a large ziploc bag in the freezer I just keep adding hard bread too, when I need it I take it out and smash it. The garlic would add such a nice flavor.
  9. ams3651

    Gardening a little cheaper....

    i buy tomato and pepper plants because I dont have much luck starting them but what I do start I start in peat pots, you can get them from Lowes, etc. They are dehydrated little disks that you just add water too. They can come in a plastic tray with a cover that you can use for several years, I...
  10. ams3651

    Pics of wind turbines jsut down the road from me...

    just yesterday I went over the mountan next to my house, usually go in the other direction, and on the next mountain (yes lots of them here, right in the mountain range) there were at least 8 of them, Id never been so close to them before. Really neat to see. They had to go up this past summer...
  11. ams3651

    What do I do with THIS???

    awesome, i buy a bag of potatoes but often dont finish them, that is a great idea, just like you can buy in the freezer section but done yourself.
  12. ams3651

    What do I do with THIS???

    hmmmm, it is probably at least 2 cups. I have 2 chicken breasts in the freezer maybe I will make some chicken rice soup with a twist tomorrow. I had planned on making some chicken soup but hadnt thought about it at the moment, thanks.
  13. ams3651

    What do I do with THIS???

    last night I made saffron rice with kielbasa, peas and corn. My older son came home late and picked out the rest of the kielbasa so now I have rice leftover, what can I do with it for supper tonight? Its not plain, its got saffron in it.
  14. ams3651

    Annoying bumps

    i have it too and so do my kids, it is hereditary and will get better as you get older. What always worked for me was soap with glycerine. And just a gentle scrubing and a lotion with alpha hydroxy. There is a prescription lotion but it really stinks.
  15. ams3651

    What are we doing to help our neighbors?

    several years ago a neighbor man who was always a loner befriended my uncle. A couple years later the mailman called the police and my uncle when the mans mail hadnt been taken in after 3 days. Sure enough he had died but he had told my uncle where his will was and he took in the mans dog...
  16. ams3651

    Do you leave the rings on or off your canning jars?

    my grandmother told me to take them off a few hours after they cooled down. Dont know why.
  17. ams3651

    Gift ideas for wanna-be stay-at-home first-time mom?

    I made my own wipes, I see you have a recipe for that. How about some baby food recipes or a little hand made booklet with some SS tips and recipes.
  18. ams3651

    Gift ideas for wanna-be stay-at-home first-time mom?

    I always make up a small bottle bag with the little things that can get forgot. Clippers, baby hair brush, insulated bottle holder, pacifier clip, hair bows if its a girl, etc. I think a sling is a good suggestion for a stay at home mom who can carry the baby while working around the house.
  19. ams3651

    What recommended wastefullness do you avoid?

    I use towels 2 or 3 times before washing them, after all after you come out of the shower arent you clean? And Im guilty of the twice a week shower, I have winter dry skin so in between if I have to I just take a sink bath. I wear my jeans a couple times before washing if they arent dirty...
  20. ams3651

    Various Tater Tot Casserole Recipes

    my older son was hard with veggies but by putting peas in casseroles or grated carrots in meatloaf, etc it worked. Now that he's older he is a little more adventurous. He'd be just as likely to buy a salad at wendy's as a burger.