Feb 1, 2009 #1 R rdranch Enjoys Recycling Joined Jan 1, 2009 Messages 10 Reaction score 0 Points 22 We have two large trash bags stuff full of bubble wrap. Any ideas out there to make good use of it? I would really hate to just throw it away.
We have two large trash bags stuff full of bubble wrap. Any ideas out there to make good use of it? I would really hate to just throw it away.
Feb 1, 2009 #2 curly_kate Almost Self-Reliant Joined Oct 7, 2008 Messages 511 Reaction score 1 Points 108 Location southeast corner of IN You can use it to insulate your windows. If you spray the window with water, the bubble wrap will stick.
You can use it to insulate your windows. If you spray the window with water, the bubble wrap will stick.
Feb 1, 2009 #3 P punkin Don't Quote Me Joined Jul 20, 2008 Messages 2,080 Reaction score 6 Points 139 Location East Tenn. Packing fragile items for storage or a yard sale. Sell it at a yard sale. Stuff it around drafty areas (air conditioning unit). Wrap pipes in cold temps.
Packing fragile items for storage or a yard sale. Sell it at a yard sale. Stuff it around drafty areas (air conditioning unit). Wrap pipes in cold temps.
Feb 1, 2009 #4 H Home Maker Power Conserver Joined Jan 22, 2009 Messages 86 Reaction score 0 Points 29 You could make a miniature greenhouse to start seeds in, using this for insulation. Wrap clear plastic over a small structure, perhaps PVC, and put this on the inside.
You could make a miniature greenhouse to start seeds in, using this for insulation. Wrap clear plastic over a small structure, perhaps PVC, and put this on the inside.
Feb 1, 2009 #5 Beekissed Mountain Sage Joined Jul 11, 2008 Messages 12,774 Reaction score 3,945 Points 437 Location Mountains of WV AND....last but not least......sit around in moments of stress and pop it!!!
Feb 1, 2009 #6 freemotion Food Guru Joined Jan 1, 2009 Messages 10,817 Reaction score 90 Points 317 Location Southwick, MA insulate a coop
Feb 1, 2009 #7 2dream Flibbertigibbet Joined Jul 16, 2008 Messages 2,580 Reaction score 3 Points 200 Location Brandon, MS Beekissed said: AND....last but not least......sit around in moments of stress and pop it!!! Click to expand... This is my favorite stress relief at work. LOL One more use - if you don't want to throw it away and are not going to use it for anything - give it to a small company that can use it for shipping.
Beekissed said: AND....last but not least......sit around in moments of stress and pop it!!! Click to expand... This is my favorite stress relief at work. LOL One more use - if you don't want to throw it away and are not going to use it for anything - give it to a small company that can use it for shipping.
Feb 1, 2009 #8 ams3651 Lovin' The Homestead Joined Sep 12, 2008 Messages 233 Reaction score 1 Points 84 Location NE Pa i use it in wrapping gifts, putting away Christmas ornaments, shipping items. Why not offer it up to someone who is moving?
i use it in wrapping gifts, putting away Christmas ornaments, shipping items. Why not offer it up to someone who is moving?
Feb 1, 2009 #9 P patandchickens Crazy Cat Lady Joined Jul 12, 2008 Messages 3,323 Reaction score 6 Points 163 Location Ontario, Canada Yeah, if you truly have more than you can use, Craigslist or Freecycle or that sort of thing. People who sell on Ebay would certainly want it Pat, whose basement windows are all bubblewrap-insulated, as are some bits of plumbing, and the kids use up the extra
Yeah, if you truly have more than you can use, Craigslist or Freecycle or that sort of thing. People who sell on Ebay would certainly want it Pat, whose basement windows are all bubblewrap-insulated, as are some bits of plumbing, and the kids use up the extra
Feb 1, 2009 #10 dacjohns Our Frustrated Curmudgeon Joined Jul 25, 2008 Messages 2,405 Reaction score 5 Points 160 Location Urban Idaho. Make interstellar jumpsuits.