my gram uses it to fry potatoes, add to corn chowder or any soup you but bacon it, for frying corn fritters or mashed potato cakes. Ive seen bacon cheddar biscuit recipes with it in. We never had too much because we ate a lot of fried eggs. Oh and she will heat it up with a little milk and...
vinegar and water and wipe with newspaper instead of paper towel, theres something in the ink that keeps the dust from sticking and the window from streaking
we have Aldis and Save A Lot but both are 40 minutes away. I only stop at Save A Lot if Im going thru because other than canned veggies and the occasional special there isnt a lot I get from there. I do shop mostly from the sale flyer and spend more where I get gas points and this time of year...
I saved 30 cents a gallon on gas with my grocery points, I filled up my minivan for $35 :D And the roast I went to the store to buy ended up being on sale and had a sticker on it for on special today for and extra $1.50 off.
We have oil heat, my programable thermostat, which I installed myself last year :coolsun is set for 72 daytime and 65 night time. I also bought a small electric fireplace that I use during the day when its chilli in here, that helps the heat from kicking on and I dont need to heat bedrooms...
Ive been there before myself. Didnt have cable tv for 8 years till last year we got the satellite. So I could give up...
1. I could take my satellite to the $25 plan, other wise we woldnt have any tv and kids wouldnt like that. No antenna here.
2. Netflix has been cut before and could...
Ive had a fake tree since my youngest was born. It was a 4' that my aunt bought at a discount store for about $7, high quality :rolleyes: This year, today actually, Im off to Big Lots to buy a 6' on sale for $65. I would love to have a real tree again but the little one is too rambuncous...
there was another one mentioned on a tv show where they talked about the grocery game, where you can buy coupons but I dont remember what that one was. Anybody know?
Ive never had sausage before :hu But otherwise we use venison just like beef. If your making steaks I would suggest marinading them with a tenderizer, I like garlic. With hamburger we mix it 50/50 with ground beef when we freeze it because it can be strong. other wise we use it the same...
thats kind of how I got thinking about the feed bags, I was thinking about what to line the tires with. I have 2 tires right now and will be getting 2 tires changed soon.
I grew up poor (heck if I hadnt I couldnt survive now) my dad was a farmer and my mom a waitress / tax preparer depending on the season. We had pork, salmon and venison in the freezer, with corn, peas, string beans, pumpkin, squash, raspberries, cherries. Broccoli and brussel sprouts still in...
one time I was making lasagne and realized i didnt have the meat, I made it without and no one even mentioned it, Ive been making it that way ever since.
Since having cancer a year ago my mom has been on a new diet of organics and local foods. She was visiting last week and we got to talking, unfortunately because my aunt was just diagnosed. I mentioned how so many people are going back to growing their own food and buying locally grown food...
kind of off the tire topic but I wonder if you could plant potatoes in a feed bag, roll it down and plant, roll up and add, etc. its porous enough the extra water could run Im thinking....
yeah my son was to sleep by 6:45 then woke up at 9 when his brother got home, the dog has to announce it to the whole house she is glad to see him. I never got him back to sleep till 11:30 :barnie I would have been happy to be in bed at 9:30.