OK...Christmas trees....cut, live, fake...or none at all?


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Tell about your Christmas tree plans, if any? Why you choose what you choose? Do you do it the same each year or try to switch it up a little? New themes each year or the old and familiar?

I cabbaged a great old full-sized nativity scene out of the trash at the local nursing home this summer. You know the kind? Mellow aged prints decoupaged on plywood and coated with heavy varnish. Full-sized camel, cow, burro, chickens, Wise Men, etc. Some idiot (me) let them get buried behind the wood pile in the garage! :( :rolleyes:

Last year, I harvested one of the thousands of scrub cedars in this area and had my son drill a hole in a block of wood and used it for a stand. I placed it on a table on the front porch and used mini white lights and just gold and silver stars ($.99 at Family Dollar) on it. Also used the stars on living swags on the porch, fence, and lightpost in the yard, along with some deep red, velvet bows. Came out looking simple and very pretty.

I do something different each year and usually use live boughs of some kind of evergreen for garland, wreaths and hearth swags. Minimal white lights and touches of garnet and gold or silver for accent pieces. I like to use as much cheap or free materials as possible.

And always....my old nativity scene I bought for Joel's first Christmas 22 years ago takes center stage in the living room and the presents get tucked under where it is displayed. That's a tradition we started and have stayed with all these years.

How bout you all?


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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I am fake tree inside. Nice one and have had it for about 15 years now. No desire to get a new one. Tony is kinda allergic to pine in the house. red eyes and such, so fake is best for me.

We go to the mountains and buy a cheap live real tree. For the fun of it. We set it up outside, with big ol' timey bulb lights in front of the big picture window in the front of the house. So that is our main decoration. (We get a tree that is not sprayed and feed it to the goats when done with it)

House is those swag white lights along the roof line. 2 lighted big reindeer, one standing, one jumping, with a big lighted sleigh.

Some colored lights and garland around the door with a big wreath.

5 big lighted "ornaments" that hang in the tree, different colors. they are cool.

that is it for us. inside I have my old snowman, santa, nativity scene, etc. etc. that I put out thru the house.

I love shopping the Christmas aisles at the stores. I love seeing the new stuff....the pretty ornaments etc. Don't buy but enjoy checking out the trees and lights and such.

I love this time of year. As long as I keep Christmas to the true meaning, not let the commercial side intefer, I am just ga-ga over this season! :)


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I'm the same way! :lol: I love looking at all the glitter and shine in the aisles but rarely ever buy anything! I recycle and present old things in a new way, with effort towards color, form and utility.

I love, love, love Christmas! For years my dad wouldn't let us put up Christmas decorations and never a tree since I was little. So, as an adult, I've tried to make Christmas a special time with the look and feel of the season. Not too much, but always warm and pretty looking, with all the right smells!


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2008
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Northern Indiana
I'm a fake tree person too , because I'm allergic to pine. I can't decorate a real one because I get hives everywhere it touches me and I wheeze nonstop if it's in the house :( . Thye are prettier and smell better , I just can't hack them though.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Well....I am a fake tree owner...Our initial reasoning of getting a fake tree was we wouldn't be putting out expense to get a live tree each year, just re-use the old.

FIRST Christmas living together we went out and bought a huge 7 1/2 foot tree and all the trimmings. That was in 1997. We re-used that tree every year and each year bought one small set of 4-5 new ornaments. In 1999, which was our daughters first Christmas, DH bought me a beautiful boxed set of 20 paper ornament bulbs from JC Penny's. It was too much $ for them and those are THE most expensive ornaments on my tree! I was so shocked he bought them, love them, but I gave him a mild scolding for spending so much. All the other ornaments are 99 centers or just a couple bucks.

But those paper ornaments go on our tree every year before any other ornaments.

The kids also each get a personalized or special character ornament each, and we make ornaments.

Oops this is supposed to be about trees....

About 3 years ago we realized our tree was looking kind of worn and bare....most of those fake needles had fallen off :rolleyes: So I ran to the dollar store and bought a white 4 ft tall Christmas tree. DH hated it!

So the next year we bought a fake green tree. I think it's like 6 ft or something? I complained about that one because our house is soooo small it's hard to make space for a large tree.

So last year DH surprised me by purchasing a pre-light tree...I think it's a 4 footer, but I could be wrong. I am pretty sure I am right though because we were able to set it up on one of the end tables in our livingroom.

I still have the other two fake trees, but I told DH we should donate those to another family. Our first large tree we gave to someone else, I do believe. Watch, I'll be wrong on that and that big ol' tree is probably packed with the rest of our Christmas stuff!

Now this year, we MIGHT have a real tree, because DH gets one free his new job :) If he does, it will be the first REAL tree we have ever had. My kids are stoked!


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
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East Tenn.
I used to put up 6-7 different trees.

My mom & dads old tree would go out on the front porch with lights. Sadly it broke a couple of years ago.

I have a small pencil tree that I put in the kitchen and decorate with poinsettias and wood crafts.

I have a really cheesy daushchund ceramic tree that my DH got for me. It is ceramic and has little weiner dogs climbing all over it.

Andy used to put a tree in his room, but that's not cool anymore.

My big tree is in the living room and is decorated with fake magnolias (which I need to replace soon), gold ornaments and maroon and gold "glass" balls. I wrap gold fishnet 8" wide ribbon around it and 4 marron ribbons cascade from the top. It is already prelit.

But, I guess my favorite tree is my "Memory Tree" back in my bedroom. It's about 2' tall and has my favorite ornaments on it. Ones that Andy (DS) made in grade school, some of my Mom's, ornaments from friends, the buttenere (sp) that DH wore in our wedding and the stockings that hung on the hospital door when Andy was born.

Now I guess I'm down to 4 trees. :D


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
I love having a real tree, but my mother gave me a prelit fake tree last season so I'll probably use it - it's quick and easy. I do love the scent of a fresh tree, though.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 12, 2008
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Ive had a fake tree since my youngest was born. It was a 4' that my aunt bought at a discount store for about $7, high quality :rolleyes: This year, today actually, Im off to Big Lots to buy a 6' on sale for $65. I would love to have a real tree again but the little one is too rambuncous. Plus last year I never took the tree down till May. :th I was having other life issues. Even then all I did was carry it to the basement where it still lays, fully decorated. :rolleyes:


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
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North Arkansas
No tree. We set up a nativity scene and place our gifts there. It seems more in keeping with the original "reason for the season". My daughter actually suggested it, when she was about ten years old, after we our reading of the nativity story on Christmas eve. We've made it a family tradition.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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k0xxx said:
No tree. We set up a nativity scene and place our gifts there. It seems more in keeping with the original "reason for the season". My daughter actually suggested it, when she was about ten years old, after we our reading of the nativity story on Christmas eve. We've made it a family tradition.
That is just beautiful! :)

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