I agree that people in rural areas are becoming rare. Alot of those with land and the ability have always to some extend grew their own food and lived off the land, so to speak. The majority of the population lives in over populated areas. My boyfriend and I have had this conversation about...
between my son, my dad and my uncle they may process close to a dozen deer per year. Most of the meat we use is venison. They also help my uncle process his hogs, about 2 a year. Any Pa Dutch out there know about scrapple? My grandmother is 83, my uncle is over 60 and still she adds the...
does this work well on work clothes? My son often smells of diesel and grease and even the Arm and Hammer Essentials laundry detergent I bought because it was natural doesnt get the smell out.
anyone else have the Tupperware pie crust mat? Its so big its a pain to store, I rolled mine up and put it in a tube. We used to make the fire starters in girl scouts, they work great.
my gram got rid of a chest freezer several years ago that still ran but she didnt want to risk it anymore. It was a Maytag I think and she bought it when my dad was born. I think he was around 45 when she got rid of it. She also had a clock she got with green stamps, i cant remember the...
I get it ;) Last year right after I moved back to the country my aunt and uncle moved from their farm to a smaller house. I scored 3 rakes for $2 and assorted other stuff. A neighbor over the hill just passed away, my dad farms his fields, they are having an auction next week and I plan to...
we are going to the Covered Bridge Festival and Knoebels Amusement Resort near by. I dont usually buy much but its just like a big craft fair, lots of food and some of the park rides are open. Its a nice breezy fall day for it.
I find it hard to plan every meal. I usually have fixings on hand for several and make it when we want it. I also have basics on hand so I can make things like homemade mac and cheese or hamburger helper, meats in the freezer. I did something yesterday I dont usually do. I started a few days...
My son is 17 and a senior in HS, his plans will probably keep him nearby. What I never expected 5 years ago,
when he was in the really annoying loud stage, was how much I would enjoy having teenagers in my house. The one I miss was his best friend the last 2 years, just home now after basic...
if you have ants comming into your house I read to sprinkle a line of cinnamon across the door step and they wont cross over it.
thanks for mentioning the bay leaves, my friends mom just cleaned all her cupboards because of an infested box of oatmeal and I couldnt remember what herb it was...
I will be putting it on our back porch windows, It is an enclosed porch but no insulation and just screen and storm windows. My son plays out there, the sun warm s it in the morning but when the wind blows it goes right thru. Its not heated and i just use a space heater sometimes so hopefully...