Crazy Cat Lady
I grew up on this and LOVE it, and having just finished eating a batch with dinner <burp>, thought I'd post the recipe in case anyone is interested.
It's NOT a stuffing, it's just a side dish. You can stuff yourself *with* it of course <g>. It's quite inexpensive and filling, and not all that bad for you.
Potato Stuffing (serves 4 hungry people as side dish)
1 c mashed potatoes (if you don't have leftovers, microwave one
baking-type potato til cooked thru, then scrape the
innards out into a bowl and mash with a little bit of milk,
and that'll be about the right amount)
4 slices bread (mom uses white, I use whole wheat; soft crusts are
ok but remove any really tough crusts)
1 c milk
2 lg (or 3 sm) eggs, beaten
1/2 onion
s+p to taste
2 Tbsp melted butter (good but totally optional)
Rip bread into small pieces; put in bowl with everything else and mix (lightly and not excessively - you want it to stay fluffy and chunky). Put in greased loaf pan. Bake 375 F 1 hour.
If you do not care a fig for anyone's Pennsylvania Dutch heritage, use garlic mashed potatoes for it - my sister did that once, and mmmm. Small pieces of leftover ham or chicken would also be good mixed in. Personally I can't quite bring myself to do it because it just seems *wrong* to me somehow to alter the recipe in any way
It's NOT a stuffing, it's just a side dish. You can stuff yourself *with* it of course <g>. It's quite inexpensive and filling, and not all that bad for you.
Potato Stuffing (serves 4 hungry people as side dish)
1 c mashed potatoes (if you don't have leftovers, microwave one
baking-type potato til cooked thru, then scrape the
innards out into a bowl and mash with a little bit of milk,
and that'll be about the right amount)
4 slices bread (mom uses white, I use whole wheat; soft crusts are
ok but remove any really tough crusts)
1 c milk
2 lg (or 3 sm) eggs, beaten
1/2 onion
s+p to taste
2 Tbsp melted butter (good but totally optional)
Rip bread into small pieces; put in bowl with everything else and mix (lightly and not excessively - you want it to stay fluffy and chunky). Put in greased loaf pan. Bake 375 F 1 hour.
If you do not care a fig for anyone's Pennsylvania Dutch heritage, use garlic mashed potatoes for it - my sister did that once, and mmmm. Small pieces of leftover ham or chicken would also be good mixed in. Personally I can't quite bring myself to do it because it just seems *wrong* to me somehow to alter the recipe in any way
