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  1. U

    Rookie Question

    can you can to much? or have to many jars? Alot of people would pay good money for one of thse jars of jam/jelly you have. im on a jar collecting frenzy if i see one i get it then i will bust a gut to get SOMETHING in it asap. the main reasons are 1. i enjoy it and 2. is i truly believe the...
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    Punkins' world....SUNSHINE, seeds and no more drought!

    you are right, its just what Ive always done pick'em till the frost, bugs or rabbits kill them, if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. ill try the soup beans thanks.
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    Punkins' world....SUNSHINE, seeds and no more drought!

    snake beans are my favorite also, the only thing i dislike about them is there needs to be a shut off switch on those bloomin things :lol: , im up to 80 quarts and still going strong, im going to have to give them to someone from now on im running out of space and still have late peas more...
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    You'd think beings im from the dirty south i would have eaten pickled eggs but i haven't, would you give me the recipe for the eggs so i can try them, does it matter what size egg to use. by the way i canned 10 more quarts of heirloom blue lake green beans, 5 quarts of tomato sauce, bell...
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    wouldn't you know it......more cotton pickin green beans, but i love it
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    Should I buy a pressure canner?

    ive got a friend who has one and mom has one so when we get alot of veges in ( like the wheelbarrow plus 2 buckets of green beans we picked earlier this season) we borrow from one another to keep costs down and speed up the process ( 2-3 going at the same time). do you know someone who would be...
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    Should I buy a pressure canner?

    my thought is, if you dont have a pressure canner then you are limited to only high acid foods. so why limit yourself you can get old canners on ebay, craigslist etc. although they are getting harder to find these days.
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    Kudzu blossom jelly

    kudzu is used for alot more than folks think even though it is a total pain in the rear to control. im hoping it is as good a jelly as ive been told. i saw some blossoms just a while ago but i think ill wait till they are coming in good to try it.
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    beans beans beans, forever beans, not complaining just saying, i have been putting up tomato sauce ( thanks for the hint of freezing them till i have enough for a large batch and they do peel themselves with no blanching) okra is coming in in droves, lovin it by the way and started drying some...
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    Kudzu blossom jelly

    Down here in Alabama we are on the verge of kudzu blooms, i have already smelled the grapish aroma in the air. My question is have any of you made kudzu blossom jelly, is it good and is it worth the effort. I am told by some folk that it is a great tasting jelly. I need a recipe if any one has...
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    what kind of chicken to get?

    are you going to keep the flock going by letting a hen hatch a clutch from time to time? the reason i ask and i dont know for sure but the black star is a hybrid it will lay like crazy but i think a black star roo and hen wont make another true black star. i personally would go for a pure breed...
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    Check it out (chickens)

    if it were me and i wanted a specific type of layer i would get day olds from a hatchery, you can get exactly what you want breed, egg type and egg size, day olds arent hard at all to raise and if you get a roo then you can keep a pure bloodline. it is not as cheap to get started but at least...
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    Ideas for using re-hydrated black eyed peas?

    what are beans and peas going for where you are cause i heard some nutty folks at the farmers market here were paying 40 to 50 bucks a bushel bag and i know for a fact the local orchard is getting 54 bucks for un shelled purple nuts to me.
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    Ideas for using re-hydrated black eyed peas?

    I vote bacon bacon bacon, but not any brand, use :bow Wrights brand it is thick cut and smoked to perfection. Its the best bacon ive ever tasted and from Alabama ive had them all. It will make them peas sing hallelujah. ive got some drippings from wrights just for peas beans and greens. :P
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    Potato famine disease striking home gardens in U.S.

    we dont have it in the south yet that i know of however several of the folk around here were checking taters the other day and hod NO taters growing at all, we dug a few vines and nothing was there. i think it was the year 2012 nibiruinan giants that all the dooms day people worry about. they...
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    I can freeze tomatoes before I can them, right?

    just when i felt like i knew alot about canning and stuff you have to go and smash my fragile male ego :/ . i had no idea you could freeze the peelings off a mater. we always had so many we just always scalded them. what else can you freeze the peelings off of?
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    First try with a pressure canner... Question??

    i agree with the previous posts, i would add that if it were me, and you are serious about wanting to can, save up and get a new canner. is a good place to start and i have found them to be cheaper online. you cant beat the simplicity of gauges, no over cooking, no steam out of...
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    Use Less Electricity - Pay More

    that is the most stupid idea ive ever heard of. someone is going to get rich off all this and i hope they share a cell with Bernie madoff. i hate that this is happening to yall but if they make it work then we will all have to get ready for the kick in the pants.
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    Hows this for a pickleing jar!?

    I'll swap you a mean ole spurring, bad tempered, rooster for your jar and ill also let you keep the buttons. :gig
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    Names with Faces - Post your picture here!

    [/img] I finally figured out this picture up load thing and thought i would let yall see my mug shot. I aint no Earnie but i can eat corn through a chain link fence.