Personally I don't think they look too good. I'm not a chicken expert by any means, but they don't give me a good feeling. They look lean and not well cared for.
(Dace I wish you wanted an Ameraucana, I have some really nice ones!! They don't lay white eggs tho.)
Caveat, this is from a chicken noob! They look lean, but are they a lean breed? They look scruffy, but are they moulting? They look haggard...harder to make an excuse for that. My gut feeling is that you can do better. Maybe you could start fresh with hatching eggs (if you have the time to bring them to laying age). That way, you'll KNOW they're healthy, happy, and how old they are!
I'd pass unless you have a way to quarantine completely away from your flock for 4 months.
eta: I have seen chickens in worse shape. This spring I watched a friend's flock for 2.5 weeks. She didn't recognize some of her birds because I fed her flock (at her place) like I feed mine. I also gave them some PoultryDrench in the water to boost their vitamin intake as her flock gets no outside time at all.
if it were me and i wanted a specific type of layer i would get day olds from a hatchery, you can get exactly what you want breed, egg type and egg size, day olds arent hard at all to raise and if you get a roo then you can keep a pure bloodline. it is not as cheap to get started but at least you know how they are treated and that they dont have a disease.