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    Is anybody here as afraid as I am?

    farmerchick, i have alot of respect for your opinion, have you seen these videos? if so what do you think about the info and have you looked at the alex jones website just looking for your opinion.
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    Is anybody here as afraid as I am?

    well its like you said, who do you believe. The doomsayers have been predicting the end days in 2012 based on a calendar from a people that were so smart they couldn't even predict their own demise, and now this guy comes on fox news and predicts the world will be having food riots and tax riots...
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    Is anybody here as afraid as I am?

    the gist of the one i saw is not short so here goes. Lindsey Williams (LW from here on out) is a minister and went to Alaska during the pipeline days as a missionary. He made friends with some big dog oil guys IE BP, Exxon, and another that i don't remember the name. He was granted an executive...
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    Stimulus Checks???

    I bought ammo with mine!! Not joking they aint getting mine back till they start some crazy mess then they'll get it back a little at a time. ;)
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    Is anybody here as afraid as I am?

    mackay that is one of the videos i tried to get folks to look at from an earlier post. There are more lindsey williams videos you tube, look up alex jones lindsey williams on youtube search this lindsey williams is very informative and when you are done there go to (alex jones...
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    Winter Predications

    do the amount of nuts mean anything? we've had a huge nut crop this year and it was supposed to be an off year for acorns and nuts in my area.
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    Gas prices today...

    I work on a air force base and it was $1.50 ish a gallon sunday of course it has some of the taxes omitted
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    Winter Predications

    I dont know if its a prediction or not but this year i noticed the ants were going up in the trees but i didnt see many coming back down. I also noticed right before hurricane Ike came through (heavy rain for nearly a week) they did the same thing. I hope its not an indication of snow depth, in...
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    any one ever used this product?

    thanks attack cat but i don't do the byc site much any more. Pat how would a person know what kind of worms you're trying to eradicate short of digging through poop?
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    any one ever used this product?

    I forgot to say earlier my rep said he worms every 6 months with the pig swig and also said when the hens stop laying for a few days like they are going into molt he will worm just because they are going to stop laying for a while anyway so why not.
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    any one ever used this product?

    i never have before but i have never needed to before. I was out in the coop earlier and one of the hens pooped by me and it had worms in it so i guess its time. Ive kept a close eye out for such as this assuming it would have come earlier, i guess ive been lucky. I did some research and found...
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    any one ever used this product?

    I was put on a non toxic pig and poultry wormer called Pig Swig by La Gear. My Co-Op rep says he uses it with great results. I'm using it for my hen's. The 2 good things i found out about it is its supposed to be non-toxic and the egg quarantine time is 72 hours, which can be alot of egg saving...
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    who has rain barrels?

    I just completed my rain barrel system and I have a question. Do any of you use this water for drinking? I have been reading studies about the fluoride in tap water being poisonous for humans and am trying to find a cost effective way to eliminate fluoride. I'm thinking that with the cost of...
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    As I posted earlier, folks must have a plan. We have one and it has been discussed again just recently. It will be to late when things go haywire and youre playing catch-up. I guess its the fireman in me to have a plan for disasters, civil disturbances, food shortage, illness, etc. I hope to God...
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    raised beds

    i posted on another thread about recycling old tires for a raised bed for potatoes, this past spring i got an old bench from a car auction and tore it apart for a 12" high raised bed, it worked great you just have to keep in mind the root depth of crops you intend to put in them.
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    firem3 They call me "Hoss"

    sorry bout the soap box :P
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    firem3 They call me "Hoss"

    since were talking football, did y'all see the LSU low life's burning a Sabin likeness on TV? I know its football and a huge rivalry but that is a scum bag, third world no class way to show disrespect for any person. Any one involved in that should be cane'd and put in jail. I don't like LSU...
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    Where did your life take you today?

    to the garden picking cleaning and freezing a wash pot full of turnips. Also mulched up leaves and turned them under in the garden.
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    firem3 They call me "Hoss"

    i cant watch Bama play it makes me to mad/nervous. I am glad to see bama beat LSU but now they have to play Florida in the sec championship game. I hope we win but Florida is tough so I definitely wont be watching that one, if i do ill probably have a heart attack.