Is anybody here as afraid as I am?


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 30, 2008
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the gist of the one i saw is not short so here goes. Lindsey Williams (LW from here on out) is a minister and went to Alaska during the pipeline days as a missionary. He made friends with some big dog oil guys IE BP, Exxon, and another that i don't remember the name. He was granted an executive staff position as a liaison for the workers and became an moral adviser for the big dogs and was made privy to all of the ins and outs of big oil. he lived, ate and worked with these folks for 3 years. He saw oil fields discovered that will never be pumped. LW later began to tell people about what he had seen and later on around JULY 08 MADE A DVD with ALOT of info on it. He received a call from one of his old friends saying to stop what he was doing or else and LW wouldn't elaborate on what else meant other than it involved hi family. He went into hiding and called a friend of his that is a radio host nationwide and said what should i do and his friend said shut your mouth but call this friend back and ask why? when he did this his friend said he was giving out to much info and LW asked him how his family was doing since it had been years since he had seen them, trying to throw the guy off to get more info and it worked. the friend said they (the BILDERBURG GROUP) are going to try to bankrupt the Arabs because they are becoming to powerful and unpredictable. they have oil fields they are about to disclose that are in Indonesia and above Russia and one of the fields has more crude than all of the middle east combined. he told LW back in july that gas would go up to near 5 bucks a gallon and later in the year nov or dec crude would hit 50 bucks a barrel. he said that the arabs wouldnt be able to keep their lifestyles at that price and would begin to cash in their t bills and other things to keep up their extravagant lifestyles and eventually break them but the bad part of that is it would destroy world economy especially the USA, shifting the super power status to Russia and China with Hugo Chaves in their hip pocket. I cant remember all he said but it ends up with the USA on its butt and the super oil guys in charge of the world. It sounds like a conspiracy and LW said all through his interview but LW said its not a conspiracy its an agenda. It would be best if you could listen to and decide for yourself if you believe it or not. Im not a conspiracy theory kind of person but with all that has gone on lately there is something up in the world.

enjoy the ride

Sufficient Life
Jul 12, 2008
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Really Northern California
Thanks-I'm not a conspiracy type either but it did occure to me when all this was going on that it was too slick and I thought that the Oil Arabs could possibly be manipulating the market to increase the price- at a nervous time, they could purchase oil futures, causing those looking for fast money and the nervous to put money out of all reason into the oil market. But when it caused so much damage, they then backed out and allowed oil to drop presipitously. But all that was based on nothing on my part.
It is so hard to decide what is true and because most conspiracy theories are not true (mostly people are too incompetent to real be thorough), doesn't mean that it couldn't ever be. It would be a lot more convincing if he publishled this prior to the events.
But at least I know have some idea of what's going on- thanks again.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 30, 2008
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well its like you said, who do you believe. The doomsayers have been predicting the end days in 2012 based on a calendar from a people that were so smart they couldn't even predict their own demise, and now this guy comes on fox news and predicts the world will be having food riots and tax riots and mad max type crap by 2012, the world is falling on its butt financially and this with the bilderburg group which its my understanding that OPEC answers to them, its got to be leading somewhere but who do you believe its like a horror movie sometimes.
I personally believe that were gonna suffer badly as a nation and as a world for a while and how bad it gets could be up to the individual and their plans for survival but we cant let it take away from today we just have to take it day by day and remember if it gets really hard that there is a God and He is in control and people have survived in worse times in the world. If you don't believe me ask any holocaust survivor or a WWI or WWII vet who was in true war.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 30, 2008
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farmerchick, i have alot of respect for your opinion, have you seen these videos? if so what do you think about the info and have you looked at the alex jones website just looking for your opinion.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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I never visted the alex jones' website before. I will check it out soon.

but basically, I chatted with my husband about 1 month ago while driving to my Moms.

I told him that "there is something happening big time underneath" all these "hard times"----I told Tony I truly feel there "is something going on that we don't know about"----a true "agenda" of change is going to happen. I can feel it. I don't have a clue, I don't have a snippet of what, I have a gut feeling the big guns are changing the world. How, why, what, to whom, etc. etc. I don't know....but gut says the big guns are making their move. They are shifting tides for a reason. Financial etc.

To me this is not something I can prove or anything else. I just know in my gut that big changes are happening with the power people. I feel it literally. I just know they are making changes to their benefit and again, I have no idea what their agendas are....but I firmly believe that the big guns that run this world, do have the power to make monsterous changes, etc. And I feel like it is starting.

I know it sounds a tad Tony gave me that, what?, "something" is on the move buried under it all.

But these are things I can't change. I can only do so much to prepare, etc. And prepare for what, I don't know...LOL...but hopefully when my little girl is an adult the world (and specifically the USA) is not a totally &*^% place to live in 25 years????

Just rambling. I do believe what LW says. I know there are people who know the truth. And I do believe it wouldn't be nothing for big guns to say shut up or the family dies. Seriously, this is big business and people disappear for many reasons. I, agree with the saying, that it isn't a is an agenda. And when "agendas" are placed and the movement begins, not much can stop it. A regular person making statements about what is learned, they are nothing but a bump in the road. A small pothole.

From history, look at the old wars and all the underlying agendas and such that were in force. So many plans, etc. that to this day is not known fact. Believe me, I know there is big agendas out there. But as a small fry I sure am not going to effect it..LOL

just some of my thoughts.


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
Watch out, Karen, or you'll be sent to the tin-foil helmet home (and I agree with you, it's just that so many think we're nuts!). I've felt for a long time that all of this was just a symptom of something much larger, which is why yes, I am afraid. Not paranoid, not panicked, but wary - and not trusting of much that's told to me via the lamestream media.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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LOL Reinbeau
oh no, am I to be fitted with the foil hat? HA HA

I know what you mean. I am not paranoid, they sure ain't "after me"---I just happen to be on the earth they want to possess..HA HA

I am not afraid either. I have true faith that they will never "chew up us little dogs" totally, cause we must work to make their agendas work. So we will get, "who knows what" out of it, but they will ensure our survival. They do need us even though they don't want us interferring..LOL


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Actually found some scripture last night that gave me added comfort and seemed to describe what we are doing, so we must be headed down the right path.

"...that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands... that ye may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that ye may have lack of nothing."
1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

This was in the chapter regarding the rapture and what people should be doing in the last days to prepare themselves. Its a message of hope and comfort and basically says not to fret over world events, be calm, go about the Lord's business (and your own) and you will have what you need to get by. I was searching for this scripture last night, as I had started to lose focus over my homesteading plans. This passage gave me peace of mind and a new strength to keep on keeping on. :)