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  1. L

    You can keep the heat...ARGH!!!

    same here..hurry and get everything done before noon..then the rest of the day just go out long enough every couple hours to hose down the horses and refresh everyones water and make sure everyone is still doing ok..
  2. L

    Deficit Issue

    for years we have had a bat live under the siding on the garage,,but this summer sadly I havent heard it or seen it,,it used to chirp at me when I was outside messing around with the flowers near the garage..miss the little guy,,AND we have skeeters this summer,,never had any before.
  3. L

    Where do your hens nest?

    most of mine lay eggs on the floor and roost in the nestbox,,I gave up trying to change their ways and just let them do their thing..
  4. L

    Where would you go????

    I am staying right here in the good old USA on my farm till my death..unless I decide to move to the Black Hills, SD..I dont see myself ever WANTING to leave the US.
  5. L

    Arrrggghhh!! Venting...

    Hubby poured my water grains down the drain a few weeks ago,,tho in his defense,I was laid up with a bad knee and he was doing the dishes,,I didnt even say anything to him,as I didnt like the water kefir anyway and had been trying different ways to flavor it to get it down..
  6. L

    Making cheese without dairy animals? Friday update

    this is the most intertaining thing I have read in a long
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    Advice on raising hemoglobin levels?

    I tried red raspberry leaves tea for the first time for heavy cramping period,,and it worked like a charm!! at least I think it was that,,I severaly sprained my knee at the same time,but all I was taking for that was ibuprofen,period went from 4-5 days of total misery to a couple hours of...
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    Slow food....what do you think?

    maybe in labs its different,but on the farm the only person you HAVE to let in is the sheriff,,YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LET IN ANYONE ELSE..
  9. L

    fish meal, peanutbutter, etc. for chooks

    I wouldnt worry about it,,if they are getting enough they are fine,,they sound like they are getting enough to eat,good laying hens you should be able to feel the keel bone,fat hens will not lay eggs,or at least not as well
  10. L


    now THAT is sad..:hit
  11. L

    How are the gas prices in your area?

    I dont know what it was today,,I didnt look when I filled up..I didnt want to know,, was 3.98 a couple days ago.
  12. L

    Best All Around Dog for TEOFTWAWKI

    I agree with you 100% on this..some people cannot handle a chihuahua,,they certainly shouldnt get a large bite trained dog,,I have seen good dogs turn into terrible dogs just from the person that owns them,,they have no business owning a dog like that,or horse or whatever..I know a guy that has...
  13. L

    Best All Around Dog for TEOFTWAWKI

    well in all honesty,I would rather my dog get shot and I have a few extra minutes to protect ourselves then a dog that looks scary but will turn tail and run when things get hairy..properly trained protection dogs are everything you just said you want,GSD are first and formost herding dogs,and...
  14. L

    Best All Around Dog for TEOFTWAWKI

    I have two trained protection GSD's.I bought the male off a guy that trains them for K-9,,the dog just couldnt handle the stress of being an actual police dog,,but he is a awesome family dog and protector,,I sent my one female to a trainer,and she is also a great dog,could go K-9 or SchH if I...
  15. L

    old crock question

    redwings where made in redwing MN,,so are in high demand around here,,to me the chipping almost looked like someone beat on the bottom with a spoon or something..I will pass on them and get a glass 2 gallon jug instead,,
  16. L

    old crock question

    I am thinking I want to make my own apple cider vinegar,,and I go to lots of auctions,at these auctions I see lots of old redwing crocks,I saw a 30 gallon today in really good shape,no cracks but it was pitting and a little flaky in the bottom,,so the question is are these safe to use this...
  17. L

    Busting the Amish

    I love all the Amish people I know,,they are great once you get to know them..and we all can learn a thing or two from them..
  18. L

    How to make extended butter and butter spread

    I made my own jersey cream butter today..yuuummm!!! I plan on eating as much as I want.
  19. L

    kombucha-kefir question

    I was on a site the other night that sells kefir,,but they talk about lots of things,anyway,they said you should NOT take kombucha and kefir at the same time,,like just use one or the other,but didnt go on to explian why,I realize I wouldnt probably want to eat kefir and wash it down with...
  20. L

    Drooling over Craigslist - again

    awesome!!! I dont do apps but that is one that would come in handy.