Search results

  1. Mattemma

    what would you do ??????

    Congrats on the purchase. I hope it all works out. It is typical that people see $$$$$ when certain buyers show interest. I am interested in my neighbors homes,but will never tell them because it will jack up orices in the furture. We will always make offers in a way to keep our identity...
  2. Mattemma

    Amish in jail, buggy fight

    I guess we don't mind the taxes so much if it is spent wisely(lol),but I sure wish social security deductions was optional! Since it will be depleted in 2036 it would be nice if we had the option to invest or save our ss deductions instead of giving it to SS.
  3. Mattemma

    Amish in jail, buggy fight

    The amish around us that I see at walmart or thrift used vans.Buggies must be for very local travel. I think the marker is a good idea. How do the buggies damage the road? Seems like it would not do much if any damage. Must be nice not to pay taxes.Ours just got they do almost...
  4. Mattemma

    Fencing in the Garden

    If you use the plastic fencing leave an end open that can be looped onto the bamboo like a gate. I have not fallen often going over fencing,but it has happened enough for me to start doing a *gate*.
  5. Mattemma

    Online/Correspondance classes for herbal medicine??

    I have just been doing it all on my own.My friend and I exchange knowledge and herbs. I say skip any classes that cost money,and use the cash to buy books and supplies. Lots of online videos showing how to process herbs for use. Have fun!
  6. Mattemma

    Stocking up: Clothing

    I try to keep nice cloths sperate from cloths I wear to work/clean around the home. I alway tear stuff or get bleach on it. There used to be a thift store where I could get cloths for 50 cents on monday,but they closed suddenly so I don't know where to buy. Goodwill and Salvation army are...
  7. Mattemma

    Fencing in the Garden

    I use plastic fencing that is zip tied to bamboo poles. Cheap and easy to move as needed.It might be 2 or 3 feet high. No issues with the chickens going over just under a few times,and for that I use garden staples to secure the bottom where needed.
  8. Mattemma

    explain property lines please

    If a recent survey has not been done(in the least a boundary survey) you should do one. The satellite photos are usually off.You don't want to find out your house,driveway,barn is on the neighbors land or theirs on yours. That is a mess. I say offer low! I wanted to get a house listed at...
  9. Mattemma

    Anyone see Extreme Cheapstakes on tv?

    Never heard of it,but their behavoir sounds horrid.Gotta look it up! I like saving money but there is no way I would do the things you mentioned unless I was homeless, and there was no church or local shelter around that could help me! I am suprised they don't hit up food banks and soup...
  10. Mattemma

    How do you prep when you move every few years?

    I would sell what you can not take at a small discount to a family that is also into stocking up.Better than giving it away free. I know I would buy it!
  11. Mattemma


    Try a nursing home or home health aide job as a STNA.Those jobs always need filling.Make arrangements to lower payments.Some people stop paying and then get a settlement offer.Student loans ofcourse you can never get out of! I used to pay $5 a month towards a medical bill,and $10 or more to a...
  12. Mattemma

    what would you do ??????

    I would buy it. Always great to buy the land up around you. I have my eyes on all the neighboring homes.One has great trees and a wooded area.Our lot was stripped of trees by previous owners,so I really want the tree lot!
  13. Mattemma

    What are you planting this year?

    I want way more gound cherries and tomatillos this year. I also want to plant more fruit bushes and trees. Maybe try more greens.Stuff that grows fast and is nutrient dense. I have garlic cloves on the counter that are starting to grow. Maybe I will pop some in worm soil and see how they do in...
  14. Mattemma

    KEFIR grains-Mind if we give them their own thread?

    I had kefir grains and I did something that caused them to die. Make sure you keep a wee bit seperate in the fridge. I wish I had. I miss my grains.
  15. Mattemma

    Just joined...

    Welcome! When in Hungary we would kill the pigs in the fall and spring.All day task of processing and cooking. I agree it was the BEST ever pork.
  16. Mattemma

    where can I buy cayenne pepper in bulk?

    I have seen it at hfs or restaurant warehouse stores usually 2 lbs to 20lbs. Don't recall the prices.
  17. Mattemma

    How many have actually made the change?

    My family is reluctant to go anywhere new.Still wanting to be in the rat race so to speak.Kids still wanting to be in their specific school. I have to make do with the current home we have.An acre in the city. I lived without heat a few times.Lived without running water once.It really changes...
  18. Mattemma

    Stocking Up, Putting Back, Prepping = Paranoia?

    I have been thinking a lot about the stocking up.Done small scale,but going to kick it up a notch. I was reading this fiction series about the moon knocked closer in orbit.Changed the weather.Black outs.Less food. Makes me think often about what I would do if I did not have the option to go buy...
  19. Mattemma

    Emergency pack for car?

    Does anyone have a pack in their car? I was putting together a food pack with drinks.Adding some blankets. A few years ago in PA people were snowed in on a highway for days. Rare,but it could happen.Lol, I try not to even go out when there are flurries! Recalled the issue with water accidents...
  20. Mattemma

    Homeschool blog

    I see she is using a Montessori method.I always told the kids their independent learning9which is most of the school day) was pretty much homeschooling in a public setting,lol. Doing it at home sure beats the 5k+ tuition we pay per kid!