

Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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I believe that if you take the approach of sending each and every creditor ONE dollar each month, they can NEVER say that you do not recognize your obligation. We all know that the country and the economy is about broke, both literally and figuratively. However, as I said, even the creditors will put more energy into hounding the folks who will do NOTHING rather than someone who shows honesty and good faith in living up to honoring their obligations. I would recommend a book to explain this philosophy called "The Richest Man in Babylon". The father of one of my friends taught me about this book when I was much younger and it changed my life. I believe it will help you, too. It is very short and easy to read.

As for all the other advice, there are some really good suggestions but one that I didn't see is getting back to family...either parents or siblings; maybe even aunts/uncles/cousins. They know it is tough but there are a lot of ways to work together and as it says "Blood is thicker than wine". Lots of us forget that our families are the most important people in the world to us. Start with telling them that is what you believe (assuming it is true) and see what happens.

Being willing to go where jobs are is another great suggestion. I know for a fact that in Williston, North Dakota they are hiring at McDonalds for $17/hr because of the oil work going on there. Yes, it is cold and the problem right now is that they don't have housing for all the people they need to do the work, but they have jobs.

Vegetable farms have work. Many AMericans won't do that kind of work. THat is why there are many migrant workers from Mexico and all over the world, working in this country. The issue is what are you willing/capable/trained to do? Child care will consume whatever you make so you are still behind no matter what. If those folks will do those jobs, why shouldn't American citizens get those jobs? I know it is really hard work, but it is honest work for a paycheck. In the town where I live there are jobs and no one to fill them. We are not completely devoid of work in this country.

We have a national mindset that keeps us from doing work that has to be done but think we are "too good" to do that kind of work because we have too much education or other issues relating to ego. There is work there. Talk to the folks who raise tomatoes. They can't get anyone to pick them and so they are planting less. What's up with that? I am aware that the government does interfere with employment practices in many ways but we are seeing our countrymen go hungry.

Another issue in this country is that we are no longer able (in many cases) to distinguish NECESSITY MONEY from DISCRETIONARY money. Is a cell phone necessity or discretionary considering you have 3 children to feed? Bills are bills. They mount up no matter what you do. It costs money to live. If you are unemployed, the government does have "programs" which will allow you to feed you and your children. WIC/Food Stamps, and they have MEDICAID so that you and your children can have medical care WHEN THEY NEED IT. Too many folks abuse that privilege and it costs all of us way too much but the fact of the matter is that it is there! If your health is so compromised that you are physically unable to do any work, there is SSI. It really isn't as bleak as folks seem to think and while I do appreciate your willingness to work I know you can get some help, too! It isn't wrong to ask for some help. It is wrong to abuse it. There is a difference. If you get help, be sure to do things for others that will help them. The old "Pay it forward" idea is a good one.

Most people who get a job don't realize that for each dollar they are paid by the employer, the employer has to pay another dollar to the government for the privilege of employing people. So if you make $10/hr, the employer pays $20/hr to have you work for them. Is this making sense to anyone? Not me. Why do you think all those factory's moved to CHina? Labor laws are different than they are here. We have very high standards and very high expectations. We also have way too much litigation and that only makes the lawyers rich not the people who are in some way "wronged"!

While I know it is difficult to look at all this and make some sense of it, the bottom line is that you have to be open to making a change in order to make a living. It isn't going to get better for the foreseeable future although we all wish it would. AND we can't blame our government. They offer lots of jobs and many of the folks who do government jobs might not be as qualified as you. Take the civil service test and any of the variety of qualification tests you need to take so you can at least put in an application in the government. What can that hurt?. Go to the library and get the books that tell you about those tests and what they entail. Then if you have to, study the material that the tests evaluated and you'll do a lot better. You could even go back to school if you had to to get an advanced degree or a different school like a trade school. Learn to weld, be a machinist, etc. These things are still viable.

Electricians have TOO much work to do and can't get it done. Same with plumbers. All that stuff can be learned from books in the library as well as trade schools and you can study the building codes and take those exams. You went to college. You know how to learn and study. I don't know what your major was but it obviously is NOT getting you in the door of a job designed for it so you may want to change your approach. The housing market is NOT dead. Finish carpenters make good salary. A lot of these things take patience and practice but what do you have to lose? There never seem to be enough nurses. That takes some training, too, but there are lots of programs to help pay for that training and payback work programs to get the debts expunged by working in places that need nurses. A nurse can go anywhere and work.

Of course, you could join the military service but there are issues with that as well. Not sure how old you are and am NOT being nosy, but they have age limits and do require some education...HS Grad is the minimum I think.

Since you are here on SS-F are you willing to do farm work or "domestic" work (house keeper/cook/etc) for a family with the need and the resources? We in this country are disdainful of that type of work but it is honest, honorable work and may have some very good benefits in terms of where you might get to live.

The ultimate point I am trying to make is that, given the current economic condition of the country and the world for that matter, it is going to take "THINKING OUTSIDE YOUR COMFORT BOX" to get out of this problem.

I hope this helps you.
Trim Sends



A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
Icu4dzs said:
Most people who get a job don't realize that for each dollar they are paid by the employer, the employer has to pay another dollar to the government for the privilege of employing people. So if you make $10/hr, the employer pays $20/hr to have you work for them.
What payroll tax are you referring to? I believe this is simply untrue. While employers have to match 1:1 certain portions of payroll tax, they don't have to match your income dollar for dollar in taxes.

The rest, I agree with :)

To the OP, is childcare an option for you? It's what many women do when they need to make a living and care for their own children at the same time. Are you children school aged? If so, can you find any sort of work in the school district? It could even carry benefits like health insurance. My very best wishes to you. It sounds like an extremely difficult position to be in.


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 14, 2009
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Try a nursing home or home health aide job as a STNA.Those jobs always need filling.Make arrangements to lower payments.Some people stop paying and then get a settlement offer.Student loans ofcourse you can never get out of!

I used to pay $5 a month towards a medical bill,and $10 or more to a lawyers wife(lawyer died). I did eventually pay the debt off. Hook up with family or friends for childcare.Living together you can split expenses and offer each other childcare.Nightshift at a nursing home.Killer on you physically, but it will pay the bills.


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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me&thegals said:
Icu4dzs said:
Most people who get a job don't realize that for each dollar they are paid by the employer, the employer has to pay another dollar to the government for the privilege of employing people. So if you make $10/hr, the employer pays $20/hr to have you work for them.
What payroll tax are you referring to? I believe this is simply untrue. While employers have to match 1:1 certain portions of payroll tax, they don't have to match your income dollar for dollar in taxes.
At the risk of argument, while you may BELIEVE this is Untrue, but I would be willing to challenge you to prove it is untrue. I have signed the front of paychecks as well as the back. I don't say things that I don't have experience with here. If you don't believe it, go talk to someone who owns a company and let them show you exactly what they pay. It is staggering. FICA, unemployment insurance,health insurance,retirement benefits, Federal income taxes, etc. It all adds up for the employer.That is why jobs are leaving this country and going to China, INdonesia, Viet Nam, India, etc.
Currently our gubmint is in effect, "hostile" toward the employer. Now this is not without some responsibility of the unions and the employees demanding benefits of all sorts but go ahead and start a company and hire some folks and see what happens. You'll be shocked very quickly.

Have you ever experienced the effect that the unions(UAW) have on the autoworkers employers? How absurd their interference has become? They have rules that force the employer to pay folks to be not working more than most of you in this forum probably make doing overtime in your job. I could tell you horror stories to curl your toes about the behavior unions and the rules they have saddled employers with which hamstrings even the toughest of markets.

I know one guy who was sent by HIS employer to an auto factory to do some consulting work. He drove to the loading dock, off loaded his books, carried them to his office and parked his car, all by himself. Within an hour of his arrival, he had 4 union grievance complaints because one union is the only people allowed to pull a vehicle to the loading dock, another union is the only people allowed to offload vehicles at the loading dock, another union is the only people allowed to "deliver" goods from the loading dock, and still another union is the only one allowed to park vehicles, etc. Since he belongs to NONE of these unions, he got 4 grievance complaints from these individual union reps and the company he worked for supported the unions and made him write an apology to each of the unions for his "grevious misbehavior and infraction of their rules." Say what you will but I know this to be true. Right now the Supreme Court is hearing the "right to work" arguements because of such nonsense.

This is one of those topics that can become very contentious so I will back out here on this one.
Trim sends


Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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My husband works thru a union, and they have their good points and their bad. Problem is, it's not normally the worker them self that's a problem, but higher up in the union. What's really ridiculous is when my husband has gotten a raise, and we see very little of it. It goes towards benefits, etc-none of which really help us.


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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Wannabefree said:
Again, good post Trim.
Sorry I get so wound up.
Our country can get out of this and so can hdowden but it may mean changing some paradigms. Going to college is no longer a guarantee for finding a high paying job. We had a joke where I went to school that said"The Physics major asks, how does this work", The engineering major asks "how can we make this work" The Finance majors ask "how much will it cost to make this work" and the philosophy major asks "Do you want fries with that?"
Sorry, Americans in the generation coming now think the government is responsible to solve all their problems. I'm NOT that old and even I know better than that. Look at the decline in our overall country from a multitude of perspectives because people expect the government to solve their problems. This lady wants to know
hdowden said:
whats the best way for a single mom of 3 to get out of debt?
The short answer is really, a) don't buy what you can't afford to pay for on the spot and b) get any job, work hard and dependably and see what happens. and c) don't spend money you don't have on things you don't need. (Those were my fathers advice to me and I think it is still a viable set of suggestions)
All the other answers are subordinate to that one.
Trim sends



Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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Denim Deb said:
My husband works thru a union, and they have their good points and their bad. Problem is, it's not normally the worker them self that's a problem, but higher up in the union. What's really ridiculous is when my husband has gotten a raise, and we see very little of it. It goes towards benefits, etc-none of which really help us.
What I find most telling is the salary that the union officials get. They aren't factory workers. They are "executives" who have to be paid "really well" so you can get good ones. Boy is that ever a myth to support a lie!
Trim sends



Power Conserver
Dec 9, 2011
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Junction City, Oregon
Medical billing is often done online. It is a simple course if you are really stuck. It may not be your dream job, but... I guarantee McDonalds will hire you. Maybe just a crap job is better than nothing.

I will pray for abundance, money relief and a job for you!

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