The swap meets around here, as long as they are in the state, you don't need any kind of health papers. Just a sort of informal affair.We did get our NPIP certification so we can show, sell and ship our birds and eggs out of state, but so far haven't gotten far enough along to do anything out of...
Been a long day, so headed to bed early tonight.
Em had an interview this morning, then we picked up a land plot map from the seller of the land we are trying to buy. Starting the ball rolling on the figuring and the paperwork. :fl
I went around the electric fence with a weed-eater, worked on...
I think pigs must be up right now. We've always paid between $25 and $35 a head for weaners around here, but this year they were going for from $45 up to $60 at the local sale barn. We finally found some on Craigslist, paid $100 for two duroc cross weiners and two mature potbelly sows. So $25 a...
:yuckyuck Smartypants. :plbb
I really have done things like that though at other peoples places. Just see things that need done and dive right in.
I'm a bit OCD.... :hide
Thanks everyone. We are going to give it a shot, if it's meant to be we'll find a way I'm sure. :)
Today was a thoughtful day. Spent most of the day just working a little on the tractor shed, sorted through a bunch of old lumber, even ran the weed-eater a bit, so feeling better. I get days...
ummm Deb? Guys can smell brownies that were cooked last week in the neighboring county.. Just sayin' :plbb
Sounds like you had one of those days for sure! Hope tomorrow is better.
Reminds me of a couple of quotes from Edmund Burke;
"It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the publick to be the most anxious for its welfare."
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Actually one is a quote from Burke...
Ohhh come on now! I only have two peach trees and the kids turned the goats in the yard about the time they got ripe this year. My total peach harvest? Zip. :hit
Now I want peaches and cream. :(
You'd cry looking at my woodpile Bee.
I don't have one yet. :hide Just a little left over from last winter.
I've really got to get busy cutting soon. Last year we had to buy our firewood and I can't afford that again!
Well, I didn't get the hay rack finished today. I had something much more important come up. We only have a couple of acres of our own and I have been trying for years to buy the land behind me (28 acres). Today I decided to call the latest owner again, see if he ever got in a selling mood...
Isn't it wonderful Mickey? Anyone who has never gotten to try fresh raw milk, less than 12 hours old, fresh from the cow and chilled... They are missing out!
Wait until the cream rises then spoon some cream out over fresh sliced strawberries and it's about as close to heaven as you can get...
Thanks, I did feel a little better this evening. And it was a beautiful day here.
Didn't do a whole lot, but the goat was out again and I finally figured out where the sneaky lil cuss was getting out at. So I fixed a door over the inside of my hay rack.
Last year I had built a hay rack on the...
I can't recommend anything, but the best vehicles I ever owned were;
1991 Chevy S-10. Had over 500,000 miles on it when I sold it and had never had ANY engine work done on it and I changed the oil once a year whether it needed it or not. Drove that thing everywhere, from Mexico to Alaska...
I'm baaack!
Good news too, the treatments are working. :weee The doctor took me off the antibiotics, but I've got to take the steroids for at least another two months. Also my nerve pills and probiotics? and also take a multi-vitamin and eat lots of "live culture" yogurt. Supposed to take it...
Our tractor is either a '57 or '58 Ford model 800. Was used when Pa bought it. Dependable, and we used to farm around 30 acres. Now only a couple and hardly ever use it. I "think" it is rated at 15 HP.
You can find them around here in running, good shape but not restored for around $2,500 up...