SSDreamin Blessings and curses


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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We had a nice visit from DH's Aunt and Uncle and two of their kids on Thursday. His Aunt, L, fell madly in love with Ice Cream and begged Uncle R to PLEEEEEEEASE let her get one :lol: Little Man is still very shy around strangers, so he hung back, but Ice Cream is an attention junky, so she sucked up on all the new people lovin' on her! It was nice to talk with people who have somewhat of the same mindset too - They live on 15 acres and raise chickens, goats, sheep, pigs, horses and turkeys. Aunt L gardens and cans. So we had lots to talk about! They were very interested in how our homeschooling was going, and asked THE question, the one EVERYBODY asks: "What about socialization?" :rolleyes: Ugh!

We had to go to 3 different farm stores to get the rest of the stuff we need for the pigs - nobody had anything for electric fencing, and the cheapest pig feeder we found was $80 :ep That is ridiculous! I refuse to spend that much money for a cheap piece of metal! So, we are cobbling something together ;) Put the word out that we will take any produce that is unwanted. Got a few nibbles. DH is going tomorrow to pick the pigs up. I am very nervous about this, as we NEVER had pigs when I was growing up. I think this makes DH a little happy, as we are on equal footing with this.

Had to go to the court house today and file eviction paperwork. :/ The lady there said we should 'drive by' and check to see if they are still there. It's impossible to drive by, as that house is at the almost end of a private drive, but we went and checked. They have two long enclosed trailers backed up to the front and side doors, so hopefully they are leaving! We still have to file the paperwork, and pay a court appointed process server to serve them the eviction papers, so we can legally enter OUR house, that WE have been paying all the bills on for the last 15 MONTHS! :somad Then, I have to drill the locks, replace them all, and probably talk to the bank about a release :( DH and I discussed it, and we plan to file against them for all monies owed/ordered by the court, that they refuse to pay (garanshee? SP?). We are allowed to take any tax refund, and levy their wages, until we are paid in full. Since this whole mess is going to trash our perfect credit, and they basically laughed in our face about getting to live there 'for free' for almost a year and a half, I don't feel bad about it at all.

Interesting incident to report: While standing outside visiting with Aunt L and Uncle R, a black helicopter flew slowly over our house. L & R thought that was weird, as black, with no numbers/ID, denotes not-good-things. In this area, with 1,000's of acres of State land all around, everybody is used to the DEA copters that fly low, but this black one freaked them out a bit. DH and I chuckled. Those helicopters have been flying over ( 1 or 2, every other day)since just after WE moved in! Neighbors confirmed it. Guess we aren't going un-noticed! :rolleyes:


Power Conserver
Aug 10, 2012
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Glen, Ms
BarredBuff said:
Thats weird about the helicopters :hide
Yup. Brings to mind "men in black" and such. But now I have to finish reading the whole thread... I'm curious. :hide

We have lots of low flying DEA helicopters around here. Looking for.. umm.. shall we say "cash crops"? They could save a lot of fuel by just asking anyone who lives around here. :rolleyes: It's not like everyone doesn't know who has hidden fields.

Oh well, State money at work I guess.

SSD, I hope you can get something from the deadbeats. I'm afraid you have more patience than I do. A year and a half? That's just crazy!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Just a quick post today (at least my animals are hoping that's what it is! :lol: ).

The pigs are adjusting quite well to their new home. The pigball pen worked exactly as it should, and they are now minding their P's and Q's around the fence ;) We ended up with two gilts, that are SO cute (when I said that, DH had a fit! 'These are for eating!' Ah, yeah! Cute today, yummy bacon when they're big and uncute. I know). I check on them at final check, and all I see is backside :lol: They bury themselves in the straw in their hutch, and all that sticks out is future ham :lol: Boy, their screaming when we transferred them sure upset the other animals! Even the neighbors horses got worked up about it :hide The chickens took forever to calm down! Today I have to do a thorough clean of their food and water - those pigs are quite piggy :p

Also need to do a good going over for the chickens. I love my guys to death, but they suck at taking care of my animals! Set back or not, I need to clean their feeder and waterer and refill them both. My little girls are also hacked off because the household scraps have been redirected to the piggy sisters. I need to pull a bunch of weeds that I know they like and give them a treat, so they still know I care :D

This weekend, my father is coming to help set up the woodstove. This should be fun :rolleyes: Father has laid out what HE thinks we need. DH has disputed everything, pointing out that HE has followed the instructions that came with the stove. Hmmm... I may have to find someplace else I need to be :gig We've got almost 3 cords of wood cut so far. DH is not understanding that this wood will be great, for NEXT year. He keeps stacking it right outside the back door :/ We have a line on seasoned wood for this heating season, so I'm not really sure why he keeps doing that - city boys, gotta love 'em :lol:

Heard from Father that the pig catching contest that they hold every year at the festival where he lives will probably be shut down. This year, some city person went to the festival, then wrote a letter to the editor in the paper, pointing out the cruelty the children inflicted on the pigs, since they screamed whenever one of them touched them :rolleyes: Too bad too, the prize was the pig plus a ribbon, and in that area, LOTS of people want that pig for food! Way to go, city slicker :rant Of-course, some lady wrote in a few weeks ago and said that, since the movie theater (the only one for at least 20 miles) shows R rated movies, they should do the decent thing and close down, because we don't need that kind of trash here :rolleyes: Uh, how about, you just don't GO to the R rated movies?! Hate the way this annoying habit of 'I don't agree with it/like it/ want it, so you shouldn't either has infiltrated small towns around here! :somad

OK, work to do. Better quit flapping my fingers and start scrubbin' ! Just wanted to let you know I haven't been taken away or anything, by any unknown agency in unmarked transport. Well, not yet, anyway ;)


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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Might be a good idea for the "Silent Majority" to write some rebuttal to that rather than just tolerate the destruction of our society by these Communist do-gooder-liberals who think they are "right"!
I say go for it. Speak up or WE LOSE! Tell your friends to speak up too!
Trim sends


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Icu4dzs said:
Might be a good idea for the "Silent Majority" to write some rebuttal to that rather than just tolerate the destruction of our society by these Communist do-gooder-liberals who think they are "right"!
I say go for it. Speak up or WE LOSE! Tell your friends to speak up too!
Trim sends
It's an idea... I am not a public speaker - even if it's 'just' a letter to the editor of a small town paper :p I have written two in my life, both got published, but there were extenuating circumstances in both cases. I've also written an article that got published - UN edited! I'm proud of that!
It's easier to vent here and not have to sign my real name to it :lol:

Today 8:45 pm

Good thing the pigs are settling good big_smile
They are doing great so far. I keep trying to pet them (have been told that it's important ) but they jump back, just out of reach :p Once they're used to me, I'll take a picture to post :D


Power Conserver
Aug 10, 2012
Reaction score
Glen, Ms
Icu4dzs said:
Might be a good idea for the "Silent Majority" to write some rebuttal to that rather than just tolerate the destruction of our society by these Communist do-gooder-liberals who think they are "right"!
I say go for it. Speak up or WE LOSE! Tell your friends to speak up too!
Trim sends
Reminds me of a couple of quotes from Edmund Burke;

"It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the publick to be the most anxious for its welfare."
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

Actually one is a quote from Burke, the other attributed to him, but whatever....

I hope it's not imprtant to pet your pigs... cause I never have. :hide
Glad to hear those black helicopters ain't got ya yet! :frow

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