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  1. O

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    its been a hot sweaty past couple of days in the kitchen and i have exactly 4mins 23sec on the clock before i can go to bed. wow did i get a good deal on the beans as you can see here - and note Nicholas for scale ... but then we got a box of "canning tomatoes" for $8... i didnt know what i...
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    Is Irene New York City's "Katrina"

    one of my fav movies.. except we like to call it "The Day After Yesterday, Three Days From Tuesday" ;-)
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    Is Irene New York City's "Katrina"

    i was pretty surprised that they are considering shutting down mass transit in NYC - wow! but they werent deciding until sat morning to evac? golly... i wouldnt be hanging around there for sure. if there is that much at risk - weeks without power in the affected area??? -- even over here in...
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    Britesea - Living the good life in rural Oregon

    can you tell him that meat chickens are really chicken-like?? they are kinda just like rollypolly meatball-like objects. ;-)
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    New Chick 10

    nope! dont clip their wings - this is the "flippy flyer" stage as we call it. just make sure they dont land in a bucket. they will be more grounded in a couple weeks. ;-) if you need to you can put a top on their box - we just use a window screen or whatever. one of my momma's started laying a...
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    Cream Seperators

    and if you make it from goats milk you can call it chevre... here's my how to using a culture: :-)
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    FarmerJamie - A new beginning

    that was some mutha for sure.... wow! we got ours later - earlier this morning it was something else. no damage but wow!
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    Cream Seperators

    *happily joins ranks of butter snobs* whoot! there are some restaurants that serve that country crock stuff - ick! cant even believe it.. and i CAN believe thats not butter *barfs* but we go thru a ton of butter here - even with all this lard i use in baking. zoikes! i need a cow for sure...
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    Cream Seperators

    hey baby! i was gonna say... i never get enough goat-cream to make it worth it for me. i'd love to have a separator.. but i've only ever seen them as very expensive. some of the Herds people say they have not been able to get them cheap. so if you find some let us know :-)
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    Savingdogs-Saving the chickens

    i read this as "burnt TATERS" hee hee hee hee note to self: dont eat burnt taters at SD's house
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    Savingdogs-Saving the chickens

    note to self.. may not want "snuggle-thawed" burgers at SD's........hum..... hee hee hee wow wow wow about Zoe! she's a workin' dog for sure. i'm sure you'll find a great home for her and yeah - isnt it amazing when they just do it? yay!!!! :-)
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    Savingdogs-Saving the chickens

    WOW! thats a lot of action and adventure!!! sorry about the hot milk...*snort* and glad that you found a way to solve the problem and that it involved frozen hamburger. extra points for being resourceful!!!! a dog that herds!?!? dontcha just love it!?? was Zoe trained or just get it? your...
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    Goat knappers in Oregon!

    yeah but what they lack in their bark they make up for in their gggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ;-) our Kai likes to wooooo woooo wooo also. we think its hilarious. they call her breed the 'silent hunters' b/c they dont bark they just charge off like a shadow in the night.... but she's getting a good...
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    Goat knappers in Oregon!

    hey SD! tell Bandit that them goatknappers are bears...she'll set them straight all right. (Kai says hi to Bandit)
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    Goat knappers in Oregon!

    i'm leaning toward "more serious" also.. the '"They're like 'oh, we're just gonna take it to a party - we'll bring it back by the morning' and we're just like, 'no you aren't.'" is kinda sick and wrong. there was a case around here with some jerky jerks (and when i say that you know i really...
  16. O

    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    holy COW, Old F! thats amazing!!!! we need to hook you up with Java's huge sunflowers to contain all that beany goodness! so my bean victory is nearly completely. the canner is cooling and i'll do another round tonite after chores. and the beans were so amazing i sent TBM back to tell them we...
  17. O

    Stock up alert!

    whooot! here is a minor stock up victory... Kroger around here has canning lids on sale - i got a handful of boxes of the standard lids for $1.37...which is pretty good. not great but pretty good. :-) unfortunately.. gas is now $3.75 so i figure it cost me about $97 to drive the big truck...
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    Goat shares~!??

    and check with kstaven over on the herds site... he was just saying he'd help answer questions about this very thing. :-)
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    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    stupid bugs got most of mine - but i'm growing another round. i think i had some kentucky wonder also... hum...
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    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    its green bean mania!!! i just picked up my bushel of green beans from the Amish guy down the street - whooot! they are amazing - i think i'm going back to get another bushel later this week. its nothing but bean snappin' and cannin' today, folks. whoooot! happy wednesday ;-)