Savingdogs-Saving the chickens


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Isle of Wight, VA
I just bought my MIL a sticker that says "If I knew grandchildren were this much fun, I would have had them first." I'm glad you are enjoying your time with your grandbabies! And I'm sorry to here about your house. I wish I had some advice for you about it. I'm just sending :hugs


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Wow! It has been awhile since I have updated my journal....

I tried making soap the other day.....spent the morning sorting the closet to find all the soap making supplies and reorganized it, then washed them all and measured my oil, ground up my oatmeal and poured the honey into the measuring cup. The lye was on a high shelf so I didn't get it out until last..... and :th I didn't have enough! :somad I couldn't even make a tiny batch.
I did, however, place an order (now that I'm not counting every single penny for food!) to brambleberry and bought the lye, and two adorable goat molds for the soap, and some cool fragrances (I've been making mostly unscented soaps). My whole family likes my soap so that is what they will all get for Christmas this year. They can't say they don't need it! :lol: But I had to leave all the supplies out on the table, and overnight, my piglet-dog Dee Dee climbed up on the table and ate a bowl of honey and licked the bowl clean with the ground-up dry oatmeal. :sick You'd think the dog never got enough to eat. For some reason this struck Hubby as terribly funny, like Dee Dee was Winnie-the-Pooh or something. I think he was picturing her tongue coated with honey and then with dry oatmeal on the top.

Then this morning her appetite got the better of her again, I was on a mission to clear out space in the freezer, which was crammed full of goat milk. I had every container under the sun filled with it, and baggies of goat milk oozing from every crack and crevice. So this morning I hauled out all the "excess" and melted it all down and make two gnormous batches of farmer cheese. Just when I'm about to pour off the hot whey (it only cools ten minutes after almost coming to a boil), the dog starts sniffing around underfoot and I shoo her away. But when I actually start pouring the hot milk, she comes back when my hands are full and bumps into me and to keep the milk from landing on her, I pull back, and it lands on ME! Yowza! A big slosh of hot whey/milk/cheese flows down my front. I dropped the part I had poured out (chicken food now I guess) and had to run to the freezer and grab frozen hamburger bags to pack between my breasts. I now have what looks like a sunburn where the sun don't EVER shine including my .....nipps......ouch! ouch! ouch! I'm walking around holding my shirt away from my front so it doesn't rub.....:gig Dee Dee is in the proverbial doghouse, first the honey and oatmeal and now trying to get to my hot milk! She had better watch her step because the new foster dog Zoe actually HERDS MY GOATS without any training whatsoever at age 7 months. I told hubby "Tell me again why we are giving this one away?" I asked him if we could pass Dee Dee off as a seven-month-old catahoula/RR mix and he looked appalled.

Other than that things are going pretty well. We got Trouble's school supplies all purchased and even got him "cool" stuff so he isn't a nerd on his first day of high school. Computer Nerd never really worried about stuff, but Trouble considers himself a chick magnet and MUST be cool. But we managed to find much of his stuff used and the new things we bought were mostly 1/2 off, so we felt really lucky.

Computer Nerd leaves for his trip to Europe tomorrow. I fear he is woefully unprepared and isn't taking enough money, but .....big boys need to learn things on their own. I expect him to come home with a more expanded mind, an appreciation for taking plenty of money on vacation, and he has never seen how other people live or what other states of the US even look like, has never flown on a plane, and refuses to eat any ethnic foods. SHOULD be pretty interesting. He is camping for part of it (at a concert in Liverpool?) and bought a one-man tent but is bringing no sleeping bag......he never wears shorts or thongs and bought his first pair. I had not seen his calves in years......but I guess the european girls will. :cool:

So tomorrow should be interesting....Hubby, Computer Nerd and I are all leaving real early to see him off on his plane, and Trouble will be left home to handle all the animals including milking both morning and evening, because I won't be home till late, I'll stay at my daughter Bud's house until Hubby is done with work to bring me home. So that leaves a 15-year-old in charge of three goats, 25 chickens, 2 ducks, eight rabbits who ain't happy with this heat, four cats including one kitten and six dogs including one undergoing potty training, one that EATS HONEY and the KBD who will escape if you give her a ghost of a chance and smirk at you as she flies out the window or chews her chain in half. I took pity on him and told him his friends can join him. It SHOULD be a rather educational day for all.


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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O my. That sounds painful just thinking about it. I'm thinkin' LARGE VOLUMES OF ALOE VERA strategically applied to the burns. That is a lot of surface area to burn and can cause infection if ignored.
Tell me again why that dog is allowed to be around when you are handling hot liquids? Hmmm perhaps outside while you are busy would be useful?
Sorry you are in pain. I hope you are better soon.
Trim sends


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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WOW! thats a lot of action and adventure!!!

sorry about the hot milk...*snort* and glad that you found a way to solve the problem and that it involved frozen hamburger. extra points for being resourceful!!!!

a dog that herds!?!? dontcha just love it!?? was Zoe trained or just get it?

your CNerd will have a great time - he has a debit/credit card, right? he can get money that way and if he doenst have any in the bank then he'll figure something out. i have a pic of one of my pals asleep on the sidewalk in the rain on one euro trek adventure.

great to hear your update!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Aloe! I have aloe here.....

*searches madly until she finds it.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

It is actually feeling much better. I think it is a first degree burn, just in a sensitive place. I look like I'm wearing a red fiddle tatoo between my "girls" and the one "girl" is burnt. I guess I should feel lucky I have something there to burn. But you are absolutely right about the dogs not being allowed in the kitchen. Our house is so hot I have all the doors open which are normally closed. I'm really strict about that with soap making and I realize I need to be about cheese too.
And OFG, my hamburger is all thawed now and ready for tonight. :DI usually like to use frozen peas for burns but we didn't have any.

Zoe has lived in an apartment her entire life, that is why she was given up, she has never been around livestock of any kind. Strangely enough she chases the ducks but nothing else (although I don't give any dogs access to the rabbits), but she saw that Hubby was trying to get the goats to go through the fence to go outside, and little Emilee decided to run back the opposite direction for some dumb goat reason. Zoe very neatly spun on her heel, circled around Emilee and pushed her through the gate like she was born to it, while Hubby stood there with his jaw hanging slack, and I was trying to yell "good girl!" out the window because I happened to be watching. She actually has a home prospect already and it is at a working farm, mostly an outdoor life, and I think it will be a match for her, so that quality will be an asset where she is going. But she did it totally without any direction on our part. The interesting thing about that is that ridgebacks are not big herders, and catahoulas are hunters, not herders, although they are a working breed. This is the one that was supposed to have diabetes. I think her owners had an illness called Can't Stop Going To The Doctor Neurosis.

I do think that Computer Nerd will have a good time.....I'd be driven crazy sleeping in a tent with no pillow and no blanket, he will probably be fine with his hoodie for a blanket and his backpack for a pillow. He is going to use a Kindle to be able to communicate with us over there and we can keep up with his itinerary. I feel like the mama bird pushing the baby out of the nest a little bit still though. And this was HIS idea, not mine. I told him his cats and his dogs will be all won over to the DARK side (our end of the house) by the time he returns. Bwa ha ha ha ha His dog is actually the Greatest Dog On Earth, our Anika.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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note to self.. may not want "snuggle-thawed" burgers at SD's........hum.....

hee hee hee

wow wow wow about Zoe! she's a workin' dog for sure. i'm sure you'll find a great home for her and yeah - isnt it amazing when they just do it?




Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 1, 2010
Reaction score
Burnt tatas are the worst. I suntanned topless as a teen on our farm house roof. Peeling nips is not fun.


Ouch! What a terrible place to get burned. I hope your good at sleeping on your back, SD.

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