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  1. I

    Weather Forecast--WHAT THE????

    We are currently at 13" an hour NW of D.C. I'm sure we are looking at another 10" this afternoon. The D.C. metro area is under a blizzard warning. I don't remember that happening very often. Went out this morning to water and feed the birds. I guess I better check on their water soon before...
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    Weather Forecast--WHAT THE????

    And now for sports... There seems to be a boxing match brewing...
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    Weather Forecast--WHAT THE????

    Now back to the weather..... We're expecting 8-12" here. had to do my weekly grocery run this morning and it was mobbed :rolleyes:
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    The most rediculas thing from economic Advisors on TV

    Are you saying we are a prominent website? :cool:
  5. I

    You want Fries with That???

    Gee -- I thought you were posting about a book I just read with that title. In the book, an ad executive quits corporate America and takes a series of "working man" type jobs. It was enjoyable and a bit of an eye-opener to see what it is like to work for a fast food joint, in an emergency...
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    Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...

    Something makes me think I'm not going back to WalMart :hide
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    Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...

    So sorry to hear about your problems. I'm rooting for you. :hugs Inchy
  8. I

    Does anyone make firelogs out of old newspapers?

    I rolled paper logs as a kid to burn in the woodstove. You have to roll them really, really tight and tie them with string. Seems to me they burned just fine once the fire was hot. They seemed to smolder more if the fire wasn't hot yet. You have to think if it is really worth your time and...
  9. I

    How do a person's political views relate to self sufficiency?

    I dropped out of the discussion because I've been busy being self-sufficient, not because I've been cowering in the corner. Sheesh! How do you guys find the time to follow this thread? This is me: ____________ A squashed little inchworm :lau
  10. I

    I am curious: Who here doesn't use Wal-mart? Why??

    There are many sides to everything. I only know one person who works at WalMart. He is a 78 year old gentleman who is living happily off his federal pension. He works at Wal Mart because he wants to. He enjoys having some work to do and seeing people. Yeah -- I don't get it either. But not...
  11. I

    The most rediculas thing from economic Advisors on TV

    Uhh - don't think so -- you're contributions are always yours unless you fail to roll them over when you leave and then Uncle Sam helps himself.... The company's contribution can be linked to a vesting schedule.
  12. I

    The most rediculas thing from economic Advisors on TV

    I remember being in my mid-twenties and reading up on saving and financial advice, etc. I went through the ideas in the book and calculated that I needed to save $500 per month. I wasn't even making $500 a month! Inchy
  13. I

    helping hens lay again?

    Well, mine still seem to be molting. You barely touch them and a "poof" of feathers fly off. They are otherwise lively and eating well. I guess I need to wait until the moulting stops. I notice that many people on BYC seem to deworm regularly. I have never dewormed them. I keep an eye on...
  14. I

    helping hens lay again?

    No artificial light. They have access to the outside 24/7 and range free over a couple of acres around 4 days a week. It is a flock of 3 Wyandottes, 2 Easter Eggers, and 1 Australorp, and 1 Khaki Campbell duck who is probably too young to lay. No one has laid since October. Their combs are...
  15. I

    helping hens lay again?

    I really don't mind that the girls are taking a much needed rest. They've been great layers for 18 months. But I didn't think they would all stop COMPLETELY. I've been reduced to buying tasteles eggs at the market. Is there something I can do to help them start laying again? Last egg I got...
  16. I

    How do a person's political views relate to self sufficiency?

    I think it is really easy for a candidate to say they are going to do this or that. I think every candidate faces a big wake up call once they are in office and realize that everything is far more complicated than they originally thought. The press and the rest of the population like to see...
  17. I

    What does your street look like?

    Can't speak for the whole street, but in my little section: My neighbor to the north is a family that has been struggling for years due to a child who had to have a bone marrow transplant. The child is doing well, but they struggle with their finances and mom had to stay home to care for the...
  18. I

    How do a person's political views relate to self sufficiency?

    [ Some political views come with self sufficient ideology. Capitalism doesn't. ] Gee -- you think?? I think Capitalism's focus on supply-and-demand reflects a self-sufficient attitude. If we want to pay for a service, we will, and the price goes up. If we'd rather do it ourselves, we do...
  19. I

    How do a person's political views relate to self sufficiency?

    Perhaps self-sufficiency doesn't have anything to do with political leanings. Maybe it's an economic reality. Or more of a personal philosophy towards one's view of their role in the world.
  20. I

    How do a person's political views relate to self sufficiency?

    The fact is that the New York times and the Washington Post can't determine legitimate votes. Only the state of Florida can.