How do a person's political views relate to self sufficiency?

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A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
inchworm said:
Perhaps self-sufficiency doesn't have anything to do with political leanings. Maybe it's an economic reality. Or more of a personal philosophy towards one's view of their role in the world.
In my social and family circle, people's level of self sufficiency have no correlation with their politics. ETA: Or level of wealth, for that matter.

I think one has to ask someone WHY they are working towards self sufficiency rather than assuming they have the same motivations as one's self.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 1, 2009
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Dover PA
me&thegals said:
I think one has to ask someone WHY they are working towards self sufficiency rather than assuming they have the same motivations as one's self.
You just hit it right on the head.


Power Conserver
Nov 28, 2009
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High Point, NC
Big Daddy said:
Beekissed said:
I don't ever think of politics at all when contemplating my SS lifestyle. One has absolutely nothing to do with the other in my life. I chose to live SS because it seems the sensible thing to do and it helps me make my money stretch in many ways, both through normal savings and because I spend less on healthcare when I live this way.
I agree. Even a communist can be self sufficient. As a matter of fact I bet they are very self sufficient. Healthy living sure does save on health care. Who was that guy that used to eat squirrel turds and advertised for Grape Nuts?
Why are people on this whole communist kick? :lol:

Communism is not something anyone wants to happen here. I'm not saying you are advocating it, I just want to get something clear.

China is a communist nation as we all know. They also have a very high suicide rate and they have no freedom what so ever. If you don't like big government now, wait until the communist move in. You do not want that.

"I just asked my husband this question since he was born into a communist country and escaped when he was 23 years old.(He is now 60).
He said,"The idea is great but people are not ready for it."
Meaning there is always someone in power who wants more, people can not really share equally.
Funny thing is I am now living part-time in Hungary and the former communist leaders are still in power,they made sure some of their friends and close relatives got key positions before they left office.All of the countries money was stolen by them, they bought factories and large business for close to nothing.Things really haven't changed much here for the working class.Well, maybe things are a bit worse, no more totally free medical and no job security,no garunteed housing ect."

"Common ownership and absence of classes, or loosely Socialism as practiced in countries ruled by communist parties. And the good thing is, it doesn't work, and that has been proved. People are getting in boats and risking their lives to escape Cuba for instance. The bad thing is, One person works hard and gets little and his neighbor does nothing but still gets the same. Health care is horrific. Everywhere you look there are slums. It brings about a lackadaisical attitude. What are the incentives? What would you achieve if you worked hard?"

These were a reply to a question about what's bad about communism.


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
Sorry 'bout that. I started the whole communist thing as a point about gov't efficiency when there is no democracy. Turns out I was actually thinking of the Nazi movement.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure nobody here is advocating communism. Besides, I hear that China is moving pretty steadily economically towards capitalism and that things are opening up over there in that process. Who knows where they will end up going politically?

But I digress.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 4, 2009
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Big Daddy said:
He actually did. Even though it was not allowed to be official. News organizations from both sides including the NY Times and the Washington Post did a recount of Fl ballots. Gore was the clear winner.
Not to get into the whole "who really won the 2000 election" thing or anything, but usually when people make a statement like that, they provide a source to back up what they are saying.

The lead of an April 4, 2001 USA Today story headlined, Newspapers' recount shows Bush prevailed, by reporter Dennis Cauchon:

George W. Bush would have won a hand count of Florida's disputed ballots if the standard advocated by Al Gore had been used, the first full study of the ballots reveals. Bush would have won by 1,665 votes -- more than triple his official 537-vote margin -- if every dimple, hanging chad and mark on the ballots had been counted as votes, a USA TODAY/Miami Herald/Knight Ridder study shows. The study is the first comprehensive review of the 61,195 "undervote" ballots that were at the center of Florida's disputed presidential election....
This consortium of media outlets, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, CNN and AP.


And as far as this thread going longer than expected. That's a good thing, isn't it? I sincerely believe that people can have a civil debate without going into attack mode.

I'm fairly new here and I enjoy a good long as it stays respectful.


Power Conserver
Nov 28, 2009
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High Point, NC
me&thegals said:
hikerchick said:
inchworm said:
Let's try to have a fair and open discussion without inflammatory statements and maybe we won't get locked down.
Is it even possible?
So far, so good. :)

As for the link between communism and the Holocaust, well my history sucks. The reading I just now did reminded me of the fact that Nazis were not, in fact, communist.

Anyway, I think the overall point remains: Efficiency is not necessarily a super great thing. Dictators can be efficient, whether they are communist, Nazi or other :D. I think some level of inefficiency is part of a large democracy.

As for nitpicking over who won the 2000 election, that's somewhat distant history and not really the point.

The point is, why should self suffiency be limited to people with specific political views?
The Nazis were adamantly anti-commi. Some political views come with self sufficient ideology. Capitalism doesn't. Communism pretty much makes you be that way or you'll end up starving to death. National Socialism, which is what Nazis believe in, encourages it.

But, you are right. Self sufficiency and the level at which you are at has nothing to do with politics. However, as a whole, people may be more likely to be self sufficient based on what their country is governed by.


Power Conserver
Nov 28, 2009
Reaction score
High Point, NC
me&thegals said:
Sorry 'bout that. I started the whole communist thing as a point about gov't efficiency when there is no democracy. Turns out I was actually thinking of the Nazi movement.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure nobody here is advocating communism. Besides, I hear that China is moving pretty steadily economically towards capitalism and that things are opening up over there in that process. Who knows where they will end up going politically?

But I digress.
It's fine. I just thought it was funny that people kept mentioning it.

Actually the Nazi movement was very efficient. Germany was going through a giant depression at the time (pre-hitler) with the Weimar republic, which is very similar to what we are going through now. People, literally, were getting paid twice a day with wheel barrows full of money because by lunch time, their money had already become worthless. When Hitler took over, he used the people as his gold. He created jobs that allowed the country to heal and the Reich mark to sky rocket. What broke the system was the war on multiple fronts. It's never been able to be sustained. Plus anyone who ever goes up against the Russians always looses (Have you heard of Napoleon Bonaparte? ;)). The system was excellent for the country to pull out of the depression they were in. People were even given cash incentives to be healthy and have healthy babies.

I didn't figure they were advocating it, I just didn't want anyone to be like "Hey that sounds nice!" 'Cause it's really not. :/


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 1, 2008
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[ Some political views come with self sufficient ideology. Capitalism doesn't. ]

Gee -- you think?? I think Capitalism's focus on supply-and-demand reflects a self-sufficient attitude. If we want to pay for a service, we will, and the price goes up. If we'd rather do it ourselves, we do, and the price goes down....


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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OK--reading these responses and the direction they took got me I went back and read the original post.

The more I think of it---I don't think your political affiliation will strongly ever have a dent on one's self sufficiency or lack of it that I can truly see.

Self sufficiency is more personal. More to yourself. While politics is to be wider spread and involve a country's living and operating structure I just don't see it as being a huge influence to move someone into a SS lifestyle.

Anyone can be SS. Everyone has their personal reasons and catalysts that head them into a SS manner, whether wanting to get back to basics, be more frugal to save money, or want to have hands on old hobbies revived etc., love of farming etc. etc. etc. and the list is endless.

All parties in the USA want green methods. All parties want lighter loads on the Earth etc. It is not exclusive to one party or independents. So somewhere in everyone is that yearning to find the answers to make positive changes on this planet, so I think regardless of your political affiliation, being SS is just part of some people more than others.


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 18, 2009
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Northern Frontline
HMMMM.... Steps up to the mic.... clears throat..... GO RON PAUL!!!!!......

Anyhow, my way of live has nothing to do with politcs. I am a local elected person and politcs is politcs. Matters not if there is a R, D,I, or G by your name I find the game is played the same no matter what. After 4 1/2 in it I have really questened a LOT of things and will not run next time my seat is up. I have done some good but going head to head with the state and FEDS it is a up hill battle all the time. I hav erespect for the state they have a better ear than the FEDS. I DO NOT LIKE THE FEDS. They play unfair and have no respect for the people. It's there way or they will tax you to hell or force a mandatory sevie you need to provide on you with no funding. I HATE DIRECT TAXATION!!! I could go on and on but I degress!!!! Leave people be and let them choose what they want and are willing to pay for ,not force them to do!!! :(

Long live the REPUBLIC!!!
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