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  1. G

    how sick can adrenal fatigue and allergies make you?

    It was a good read, but honestly for me what it was all about was figuring out that she had heavy metal poisoning. Along the way she determined she was a celiac and needed to avoid certain foods, but the key point was that she had been poisoned by her fillings and the thermometer. I don't...
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    'useful dog' moment

    :thumbsup That's what I like to hear! My dog is famous for catching and eating frogs, mice, moles, rats...pretty much anything she can get her mouth on. That is, if the cat doesn't get it first - then they have a war over who can stake claim...
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    Chocolate Mayonnaise Cake - by request

    sigh...I guess I'll just have to get over my mayo fettish and try it out. blech...mayo... I used to be so bad that if it even touched my plate I'd refuse to eat the whole darn thing. But now I can at least have it in stuff like potato salads and such.
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    AL - Recording baby steps: Newest Addition

    I bet that's a site to see...the mother hen pecking around...suddently, she looks back at this, this thing near her. Then scwabbles it away thinking 'what on earth would bring that tiny creature onto this earth?' :lau
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    gasing meats with ammonia, and more...

    I wonder if that's why you have to go to the bathroom 20 minutes after having dunkin donuts or eating at the college cafeteria? :duc
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    Moolie - Happy Thanksgiving :)

    I want your cupboard contents!!!
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    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    Woop Woop! Hey! Old Neighbor Man! It's gonna get weird so be sure to pull up a chair close to the window!
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    Wifezilla's Rampage - Weekend Update w/ pics

    They call those kinds of people implosive. You're the cashier (if you know what I'm talking about) :lol:
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    Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin

    *gleno gets up after KC's awesome jam with a peice of OFG's mowed hay in her mouth, one side of overalls unclipped and hanging diagonally across her chest, hat on backwards with a flannel shirt tied around her waste* Who dat ho? You dat ho? Me, No! YOU dat ho! HELLLL YEAHHHH
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    MyKidLuvsGreenEgz .. .. COLORADO IS BURNING

    I had something simlar for my goats for the first year or so...You could try hanging something inside. I'm not really sure if it would work or not - they'll probably just get used to the weather eventually.
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    Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!

    Congrats on the broody! I sure hope she does well for you. None of my hens have decided to go matter how many eggs I leave in the boxes. I've decided to turn the incubator back on and incubate more chicks and also toss in some guinea keet eggs. I'll put those in first, though...
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    Hillfarm - good news, thank heavens.

    consider it prep time to make a nice hat.... :cool:
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    Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/

    Hope you enjoy this beautiful rainy day! Is it hammering you already? It hit my side about 7 am and is going strong now.
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    MyKidLuvsGreenEgz .. .. COLORADO IS BURNING

    Glad you all are all right. Wish I could send you some of this RAIN we're having! for about 2 weeks it's been off and on...we're so backed up on haying fields it's rediculous - and it looks like we still won't be able to hay until Sunday or Monday. :/ Do you have a light or something in the...
  15. G

    Hillfarm - good news, thank heavens.

    Ewwwwwww..... The last time I saw one of those overgrown rats it met the business end of a shotgun. Dang thing was in the chicken nesting boxes taking a nap after eating the eggs. Ewwwwwwww...... When I read "chicken eaters out on the loose" I thought you meant hungry chickens that wanted...