Power Conserver
Hi everyone
I have been "lurking" on this site for a while now...well actually since I joined BYC. As soon as my DD and get some land we are looking at doing a WHOLE bunch more to being self sufficient!
In the meantime I am trying, along with a bunch of other byc peeps to get the ordinance changed so we can all have chickens. The economy here is SO bad the news stations have jumped all over this and helping tremendously but I need to recrute as many people as possible to vote yes for us. Would you please? Also there is a comments section at the top of the page.it doesnt ask for a name or address just yes or no vote.
Even if this does get through..it wont help me as I am in a deed restricted community so my chickens are hiding out in the garage but want to help others so ............Thankyou!
ok...well seems I am too new to post a URL
maybe someone else can add it and repost...ack..sorry
In the meantime I am trying, along with a bunch of other byc peeps to get the ordinance changed so we can all have chickens. The economy here is SO bad the news stations have jumped all over this and helping tremendously but I need to recrute as many people as possible to vote yes for us. Would you please? Also there is a comments section at the top of the page.it doesnt ask for a name or address just yes or no vote.
Even if this does get through..it wont help me as I am in a deed restricted community so my chickens are hiding out in the garage but want to help others so ............Thankyou!
ok...well seems I am too new to post a URL
