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    Jason closes his journal... Thanks!! I love you!!

    Pass me some crow. I'll have mine with tabasco. Inchworm
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    TEA Anyone?

    We all have our own breaking point. What set me off enough to consider protesting was the bail outs which started in October 2008 and the stimulous package of 2009. I don't care who is in the Oval office and am more upset with Congress. If Bush was in office now, the Tea Parties would have...
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    TEA Anyone?

    Big Daddy, I see you still don't cite any references for your oversimplification of the Boston Tea Party. Let me introduce you to a basic resource on the web. It can be found at Let me spell it more slowly for you -- W i k i p e d i a If you visit the website, you'll see...
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    TEA Anyone?

    Big Daddy, I'd like to hear anything factual you may have to add to this conversation. As of yet, I haven't seen it. Could you please post supporting sources for your comments about the original Boston Tea Party and the notion that Wal Mart is behind the Tax Day Tea Parties? Inchworm
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    what meat animals can be able to raised on little land??

    I think pigs don't need much space.
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    Chickens or Ducks? Pros and Cons please

    Personally, I don't like duck eggs. They are fine mixed into things, but taste really odd cooked as an egg. I have many friends with ducks and chickens. Ducks seem to make better prey. While it can be easy to lose a chicken to a fox as well, ducks just seem better at getting killed. Just my...
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    Try to list products made in th USA

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    So pitch your theory!

    Who suffered during the Great Depression? (I'm rather ignorant of this time period). I know much of what I "think" of the Depression is really the dust bowl drought. Did anyone prosper during the Depression? I used to work at a duPont estate (not during the Depression). The estate where...
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    So pitch your theory!

    I agree. Some areas will do better. Other areas will never recover. My sister, who struggled financially for 30 years, has suddenly hit pay dirt. She has more money than she ever has had in her life. She just bought her first house. The house was in foreclosure and she paid less than half...
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    Planning for Bird Flu/Swine Flu

    I'm hoping that by the time it mutates to be prevalent among humans, it will mutate to be something easier to deal with :fl
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    Grain mills...grinders....what do you use?

    I'm still debating on getting a mill. There is another shipment of wheat berries coming in from Montana for $18 for a 50 lb bag, but I don't have a grinder. I'm thinking of getting a Back to Basics hand grinder because it is cheaper and doesn't rely on electricty. Of course, if there isn't...
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    Good deed for the day

    You guys rock! :D
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    Good deed for the day

    When my kids whine or complain, I tell them they have to tell me three good things in return. Maybe we all whine and complain too much. Now it's our turn to list some good things so we are reminded about the good things in life. I'll start. Last week, when I had to wait for the repairmen, an...
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    Obama Fired GM's CEO........

    I'm still blaming Jimmy Carter :lau
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    Lights Out Last Night?

    I'm kind of wondering if there will be a baby-boomlet in about 9 months.... That wouldn't do much to save energy. If there is a baby boomlet, they'll have to try a campaign to leave the lights on :lau
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    Lights Out Last Night?

    SKR8PN - Had to laugh. My husband always says he's going to drive our beat up suburban around on Earth Day and toss used oil bottles out the window. Of course, we don't, but people always seem so shocked. We aren't much into symbolism. Either you do it for real or you don't, as I see it.
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    TEA Anyone?

    I was just looking at the website. There is one in my state capital. I may take my kids over for a civics lesson. Inchworm
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    Raised bed gardens?

    Our ground wasn't level enough to just plop the frame on the ground. My boxes are actually on legs - it seemed easier than getting a backhoe to level the ground. That means my boxes have a bottom. The bottom is made of slats of 2x4's to allow for drainage. The inside is lined with...
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    An amazing quote.

    I think one element missing here is that we don;t really produce much anymore. 40 years ago, we still had a lot of manufacturing. There was a particular product; there was a process that was understood; there was interaction between employers and managers; there was a measurable level of...