TEA Anyone?

Jan 24, 2009
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Remember the Tea Party is Wednesday. Bring your signs. Suggested slogans are "Tax the rich not the middle class", "Tax corporations", "Impose Tariffs on imported goods", "Roll back the Reagan tax cuts for the rich".

The original Tea Party in Boston harbor was to protest a shipload of tea being allowed in to the country without tariff. The tea was produced by the East India Tea Company which was owned by the British. Since there was no Tariff it could be sold at a much lower cost than the tea obtained elsewhere and sold in the colonies that had a tariff paid on it.

This Tea Party is being sponsored by the wealthy few and corporations such as Wal Mart. So when you show up to support Wal Mart on Wednesday, just remember they are laughing all the way to the bank. I will be at the one in Colorado Springs. I'm going to carry a sign that says "Roll back the Reagan tax cuts for the rich"

See you there.


Power Conserver
Jul 23, 2008
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In regards to iced tea in the north....my husband is from Maine. We went to Maine on our honeymoon where I met his family for the first time....His dad loves tea with lemon...out of a can...Lipton is OK, but nothing beats the real thing...

The family then took us on a driving tour around the surrounding counties and took us to a favorite resturant. I ordered sweet iced tea....not available, but we do have unsweet with the sweeteners on the table....(you know, those little packets that don't really disolve in your glass?)....and when the tea arrived at the table there were two tiny pieces of ice in the glass....being from Alabama, I was surprised that they had the gall to call that "Iced" tea! I asked for more ice...and got...two more little pieces.

When we got back to the inlaws, I introduced them to real home brewed tea....with lots of ice!

In regards to the TEA party in my neck of the woods, my family will be attending in support of the Constitution of the United States, and smaller government.


Enjoys Recycling
Mar 28, 2009
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Saint James/ Comfrey MN
I do plan to go tomorrow, in fact I am taking my parents with me.

One thing I don't understand about the TEA parties scheduled for MN is that they start at 5pm. :/

Isn't a protest better when the people you are trying to reach are at their place of work? I'm sure my Rep wont be at the capital building tomorrow at 6pm, I bet he will be at the country club sipping on some iced tea.


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 1, 2008
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Big Daddy,

I'd like to hear anything factual you may have to add to this conversation. As of yet, I haven't seen it.

Could you please post supporting sources for your comments about the original Boston Tea Party and the notion that Wal Mart is behind the Tax Day Tea Parties?



Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
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SE Kansas
inchworm said:
Big Daddy,

I'd like to hear anything factual you may have to add to this conversation. As of yet, I haven't seen it.

Could you please post supporting sources for your comments about the original Boston Tea Party and the notion that Wal Mart is behind the Tax Day Tea Parties?

Wasn't Wal Mart behind the original Boston Tea Party? :lol:


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
Big government is important to those who think we need them to take care of us. Those of us who believe in personal responsibility and small government are the ones pushing these tea parties, Wal-Mart has nothing to do with it, the notion is just a red herring to try to take away credibility from the cause. Those who are paying attention know this already, those asleep at the wheel will reap the benefits of our efforts, despite themselves.
Jan 24, 2009
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inchworm said:
Big Daddy,

I'd like to hear anything factual you may have to add to this conversation. As of yet, I haven't seen it.

Could you please post supporting sources for your comments about the original Boston Tea Party and the notion that Wal Mart is behind the Tax Day Tea Parties?


1773, Britain passed the Tea Act. By this Act, about 17 million pounds of surplus tea (assets of the East India Company, India) was proposed to be sold in America, by under selling it. Since the tea would be sold at an extremely cheap rate by bypassing the traders, the wholesalers in America were going to be seriously affected. For this reason, the Act was fiercely resisted by the colonies. Since British tea was already being boycotted because of the heavy duties on it, the Act in America was seen as a bribe from the British Authorities. In Boston, the opposition against the Tea Act took a dramatic form. Here some men dressed as Indians boarded a ship containing tea, at the Harbor and dumped the entire consignment into the sea. This incident is known as the Boston Tea Party. While the people in Boston rejoiced, the British Parliament passed certain laws to punish the colony. They passed what the colonists popularly called the Intolerable Acts in 1774. Under these Acts, the Boston port was closed until due compensation was paid to the government (London) for the lost tea. Further, the British troops were re-stationed in the city.

Sorry you were asleep during your history class. Yes the colonist were upset about the taxation of tea coming in to port. Yes they called it taxation without representation because they were not allowed to vote for the gov that was taxing them.

The Boston Tea Party was for the reasons listed above. There are websites that have twisted the facts and put spin on them to meet their right wing agenda. I'm sure you can probably find one. The right wing backed up by big corporation money s good at falsifying facts and feeding them to their minions. That's why leftists are called elitist. They do a little research instead of swallowing it whole.

So your tea party has nothing to do with the tea party of your founders. It is just a further manipulation by the rich of those that are not rich. Trying to save themselves from taxes so you can pay more taxes. Too bad you can't see that.


Power Conserver
Jul 23, 2008
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Our country is headed in the wrong direction....we are heading to a point where every thing we do will be under control of the government...the government that is big enough to give you every thing you need....is big enough to take it all away, too. (Thomas Jefferson said it much better...)

The TEA parties are one way we can let others know that we are NOT just going to give everything we work for so someone else can sit on their duffers and take what the government is giving...(our money...) We are not going to sit quietly on the side while our tax payments are used to fund things that we do not agree with on a moral, ethical basis. Taxes are necessary to fund the military, infrastructure, etc. We should not be required to fund abortions in the US, or in other parts of the world.

In regards to Walmart....I for one am thankful that an entreprenure had an idea that was successful....Entreprenures are what have helped to make this country the success it has been.
(Ford, Microsoft, Apple, Enron even...) Without these giants..we would still be in the stone ages. Yes, I look at "all that money and get envious at times....who would not, that is just human nature!)
The great thing about our country has been that ANYBODY can have and idea and pursue it to success! If they get off the "give me" bandwagon and work! It is a shame that that word is such a "four letter" word to so many people.

I think that you will find those who support the TEA parties and those who attend are far from the WEALTHY few. I know we are not wealthy...and those I know who are attending are not wealthy either!

I wonder does Big Daddy shop at Wally-World? Do you stand behind your disdain for this business...or do you spend your money where it is convenient?
Jan 24, 2009
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smithx9 said:
Our country is headed in the wrong direction....we are heading to a point where every thing we do will be under control of the government...the government that is big enough to give you every thing you need....is big enough to take it all away, too. (Thomas Jefferson said it much better...)

The TEA parties are one way we can let others know that we are NOT just going to give everything we work for so someone else can sit on their duffers and take what the government is giving...(our money...) We are not going to sit quietly on the side while our tax payments are used to fund things that we do not agree with on a moral, ethical basis. Taxes are necessary to fund the military, infrastructure, etc. We should not be required to fund abortions in the US, or in other parts of the world.

In regards to Walmart....I for one am thankful that an entreprenure had an idea that was successful....Entreprenures are what have helped to make this country the success it has been.
(Ford, Microsoft, Apple, Enron even...) Without these giants..we would still be in the stone ages. Yes, I look at "all that money and get envious at times....who would not, that is just human nature!)
The great thing about our country has been that ANYBODY can have and idea and pursue it to success! If they get off the "give me" bandwagon and work! It is a shame that that word is such a "four letter" word to so many people.

I think that you will find those who support the TEA parties and those who attend are far from the WEALTHY few. I know we are not wealthy...and those I know who are attending are not wealthy either!

I wonder does Big Daddy shop at Wally-World? Do you stand behind your disdain for this business...or do you spend your money where it is convenient?
My problem with Wally-World is that it used to be a good place when Sam Walton was around. They used to sell all made in America goods. They were quite proud of that fact. I believe this was back in the 80's and 90's. Then Clinton signed NAFTA. Wally World is largely responsible for the loss of so much of the manufacturing in the USA. Manufacturers moved their production facilities to China to be able to produce their goods at the prices that Wal Mart was demanding. Eventually almost all manufacturing has moved over seas. It's the only way retailers can stay afloat and compete with Wally World. So no I don't like Wally World. I shop at Costco and Target.

Clinton started the mess with NAFTA. If he had not signed it Bush would have or Obama. The country is controlled by corporations. It's not big govt it's the corporations. Our country is starting to head in the right direction. We're not paying for abortions. We're paying for birth control. Abstinence doesn't work. Look at Palin's kid.
Jan 24, 2009
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smithx9 said:

I think that you will find those who support the TEA parties and those who attend are far from the WEALTHY few. I know we are not wealthy...and those I know who are attending are not wealthy either!

I don't expect the wealthy few to attend the parties. They are used to having other people do their work for them. I said they were using you as their voice. Yes you are helping to increase the disparity between the classes. The agenda of the Republican party is to eliminate the middle class. Big gov gets in the way of that through regulation. Regulation protects the middle class and the poor. Yes the Republicans don't want the stimulus bill. It's not because of the increased deficit. Bush spent money like a drunk sailor. It's because they want the recession to go to a depression. When that happens the middle class will go away. Those that are rich will become more rich through aquisition of foreclosed homes and businesses and buying stock at rock bottom prices. All the displaced middle class people will become part of the poor.

See I can be a conspiracy nut too.

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