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    Weed suppression with burlap

    I use paper feed sacks,split open and wet down.They last about 6 months and can be easily punched through if you want to plant something there.
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    Favorite Zucchini recipe?

    I slice the big ones into rounds about 1/4" thick,coat them with olive oil and seasonings,and grill them until slightly charred and tender.Let them cool and freeze them.I usually eat most of them immediately.I love these with plenty of garlic and salt.They are really good and habit forming.
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    Hillbilly Blood Show

    I watch it regularly on the Destination America channel on Dish Network.The show comes on Saturday nights,I believe at 8:00pm Central time.I think I've seen reruns on the Rural or RFD channel.It's a good program,IMHO.
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    Cabin builders and carpenters,, HELP!!! Walnut logs for log cabin??

    I agree with so lucky.Sell the walnut and buy wood that is more suitable for building a log cabin.You may be able to build the cabin and come out with money to spare. It would be a terrible waste to use the walnut for framing walls and rafters. I've read that a fellow could retire comfortably...
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    What are you preparing for?

    Great post,Boogity.You hit the nail on the head.Our great country is so full of slackers,drug heads,idiots,fools,and all around useless people that I see nothing but trouble ahead for those of us work and are productive citizens. God help the stupid,lazy pieces of human debris that are foolish...
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    Pellet Guns

    My only experience with pellet rifles is with a Benjamin pump in .22 caliber I've had since I was a kid.I'm 60 now and it still shoots well today.I've killed many squirrels with it.It shoots like a .22 out to about 25 yards.Plenty of power to kill a rabbit.
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    Satellite dish

    Several years ago,I found one in a roadside dump near my home.I pulled it out of the weeds with my truck and took it apart.The mesh was fastened on with self-tapping screws,which I removed and kept.I made several cages out of the mesh and reused the screws also.
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    Has anyone here ever built there own house, cabin, living quarters....

    CK,it's been about 13 yrs since I worked for a home builder,having gone into custom cabinetry.I'll tell you what I'm familiar with,however. Here in Mississippi we would spread plastic sheeting on the ground under the floor for a vapor barrier.We cut it as close to the foundation's block walls...
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    Has anyone here ever built there own house, cabin, living quarters....

    I built my own house,CountryKat.What questions do you have? Andy J
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    Plumbing question?

    Gardenweasel,I've been plumbing many years and I've never heard of a fitting of that size.Could it be the water filter is connected with garden hose fittings?If so,you would need an adapter in 3/4"female pipe thread to garden hose male.Those come in either hard or swivel connections.I cannot...
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    Country Estate Insurance

    I'm with you ,Athene.My homeowner's policy,full replacement value,got so expensive I had them put a dollar amount on the coverage.The premiums had gone up $100-$150 per year until it got to $1300 a year on my plain Jane 1450 sq. ft.brick home that I built myself 12 yrs ago. The company...
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    Electric Fence Recommendations Needed

    Same here,MuttlyCrew.I have only two strands of wire,but it works great.I can't tell you how many fine laying hens I lost to raccoons until I put up the wire.One shock for the dogs and they're good forever. One bad experience:I was working near the wire once when my cell phone rang.It was on...
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    Blind hen?

    I have a blind Dominique rooster,3 years old,who fares very well for himself.He can find the food and water easily and he's very healthy and fat.He does get picked on by some of the other birds.He may be able to tell daylight from dark;but he certainly can't see when I wave my hand in front of...
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    Rooster value

    Ya'll are lucky.In my area you can't give a rooster away.Everytime I hatch chicks in my incubator,I average 65-70% roosters.It's mighty depressing!If any die before maturity,it's always a pullet.
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    Hot Weather lettuce (PIX)

    That looks like oak leaf lettuce to me.I grow it myself for that very reason.If you plant it in the fall in my area,it will overwinter and will begin to bolt in late April.My spring planted crop is doing well,even with temperatures near 90 degrees.
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    Disposable razors

    Does anyone know of a use for disposable razors after they are too dull to shave with?
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    What cam I do with old panty hose?

    If you fish with live bait,make a grasshopper dozier to catch grasshoppers.Stretch the hose over a small frame which you make from small wooden sticks or wire.Drag it over grass and weeds to catch the 'hoppers.Their spiny legs get caught in the hose and they stay there until you pull them off.
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    Whenever the dogs bark,call your neighbor and say"did you know that something is bothering your dogs"? This has worked well for me,especially between 1am and 4am.It really doesn't matter what time it is,just do it consistently. If you don't get results,soak the dogs with a water hose,if you...
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    Going to save money this summer! Here's How!

    Sounds good.We don't have any cats,so that's out. I'll turn off my A/C just before I run out of food.Here in Mississippi June-September daytime temperatures are usually 95degrees or higher.No Sir,the A/C stays on as long as I have the money to pay for it.
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    The FDA May Change HFCS Name to Corn Sugar

    Some of you people need to wake up.The FDA wouldn't allow something that would hurt the taxpayers,with the exception of tobacco,which I will elaborate on shortly.The government wants you out there every day,working and paying taxes.Uncle Sam needs that tax money to "spread the wealth." As for...